Super Steve Earle
Well-known member
I went for a test drive in a Tesla about 5 years ago. Honestly, it's the future of motoring. The most fun ever in silence. But without lots of cheaper charging and seriously cheaper cars, I'm struggling with how this works. It's going to take a lot of imaginative solutions to avoid a two tier society. The 'haves' who can afford an electric car and home charging and the 'have nots' who can't afford the electric cars or have home charging. I fear the latter will face a double whammy and end up running old gas guzzlers and be penalised by punitive fuel taxes. At the moment, I can't afford an electric car and despite owning my own house and garage nearby, I haven't a solution yet to putting power in my garage. If I could solve both, I'd have an electric car tomorrow. But is there an agenda to just get most cars off the road altogether - just asking for a friend