I see your Ken Bruce (who I like a lot) and raise you a Johnnie Walker.Best DJ on Radio 2 by far, massive audience figures, BBC shooting themselves in the foot yet again.
I see your Ken Bruce (who I like a lot) and raise you a Johnnie Walker.Best DJ on Radio 2 by far, massive audience figures, BBC shooting themselves in the foot yet again.
Aren't Radio 2's other daily presenters Zoe Ball, Scott Mills and Jeremy Vine.Another middle aged white presenter bites the dust. But at least we know that the BBC will make every effort to ensure that Ken is replaced by the best person for the job, so we can all keep soundly in our beds.
I once dropped my wife (then cabin crew) to Heathrow leaving Brighton at just before 6am, tuned into R1 and for the entire journey he and his ridiculous cronies chatted, no music just f***ing BS chat, never listened to him againControversial maybe? As he’s a bit marmite but I’d like to see Chris Molyes back at the BBC but most likely the breakfast show when Zoe goes would be his most likely gig
I ssume you are aware but for others, he has the breakfast show on RadioX now. The first half hour is exclusively just chat. They then play a token song maybe once every half hour with the show being mainly games and features + interviews.Controversial maybe? As he’s a bit marmite but I’d like to see Chris Molyes back at the BBC but most likely the breakfast show when Zoe goes would be his most likely gig
Yes , thanks very much aware.I ssume you are aware but for others, he has the breakfast show on RadioX now. The first half hour is exclusively just chat. They then play a token song maybe once every half hour with the show being mainly games and features + interviews.
Personally, it's perfect radio for me. I am a podcast addict so I like my radio to be a group of people chatting. I love it.
If I want music......I play music.
I get that Moyles isn't for everyone and I am in no way trying to convert but I really do like his show on RadioX. He brought across the newsreader (Dominic Byrne) and one of the producers (Pippa Taylor) who are on the mic. Personally the reason I love it is that having 4 or 5 people all at once on air creates a narrative, long running jokes and you get to know the 'characters'. It's almost sitcom like. I find it weird that the solo-DJ method has lasted so long as it's so dependant on the listener liking that one person.
Oo Gary Davis, oo Gary Davis, oo Gary Davis just kill me nowGary Davies please
I think it’s he who is leaving, not them who are getting rid of him.Best DJ on Radio 2 by far, massive audience figures, BBC shooting themselves in the foot yet again.
Cheer up mate.BBC radio has gone to the dogs in recent years. Numerous commentators and presenters of high standard left or pushed out.
Ken the latest. Will certainly be following him to his new abode.
Beginning of the end for the Beeb really. Political interference, digital age but also a huge number of self inflicted harm including numerous scandals has caused this. Shame because it once personified our nation and united us. Never thought I’d agree with those that want it abolished, but I think a good case for now. Never see the like of again, we seem to be on a self destruction path in most things so might as well add the Beeb to the list!
I have been an avid listener to Radio 2 for years, while I’m at work.
I even listened to Chris Evans in the Breakfast show before he became totally self absorbed. The only one I didn’t listen to was Vine,I can’t stand the smug,Tory twat.
Now, Zoe Ball in the morning is vacuous,her patronising ‘all mates together’ spiel is nauseating.
Ken Bruce is an oasis of adult presenting in a desert of mundanity.
Vine, don’t listen to him much, but when I do, I usually turn over within minutes.
Scott Mills sounds like a work experience boy who’s won a competition to present a hospital radio show.
Sarah Cox, God, she couldn’t be more annoying if she tried, and I sometimes think, she is trying very hard.
That’s me done with Radio 2 now, I’m going to get an Alexa and work my way through all the albums I have never had the time to listen to.