I've been trying, unsuccessfully to find a link that confirms the policy for which frame to use with regard to when the ball is 'played' for offside decisions. I remember reading something in the past two seasons that explained the debate was mainly around what constituted playing the ball and whether it was the frame with the first contact with the ball etc. I believe the agreed policy was to use the first frame that showed a gap between the ball and the foot of the player who kicked it. I also can not find a link I posted previously where the premier league website noted they used cameras with a 50-something frame fps frame rate, rather than the standard 24fps.
I did find this, which brings up some info on how the process is supposed to work, in case anyone is interested. I was not aware there are two sets of lines - single pixel lines that are drawn initially, then thicker 'broadcast' lines - if those over lap there it's considered onside.
I did find this, which brings up some info on how the process is supposed to work, in case anyone is interested. I was not aware there are two sets of lines - single pixel lines that are drawn initially, then thicker 'broadcast' lines - if those over lap there it's considered onside.

How offsides are determined by VAR
See how the Video Assistant Referee uses Hawk-Eye to make offside decisions

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