An all time PW from me today: 29 mins for a 5k. It was a bit hilly, but come on. No excuses either. Am tempted to start a PW sub-thread - and even to request that the Gaffer starts a bespoke table.
[I'll be top of that table!
Been swimming and got a strained neck, foot ached around toes from last run, back went stiff the other day. Stopped all fitness and got on with painting and my left thumb became swollen from holding the tin of paint for an hour,.All low pain levels and should be gone soon.
Thought I needed help so I have a TENS machine coming tomorrow.
A transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator that sends electrical pulses through the skin to start the body's own pain killers. The electrical pulses can release endorphins and other substances to stop pain signals in the brain.Allegedly. Useful for me to have and they can also be used for sports injuries. I'll report back on it's running recovery abilities in due course.