There were five winning naps today and congratulations to martin tyler who has napped three consecutive winners:
martin tyler - 16:10 Newmarket - Sweet Selection @ 7/1
fat old seagull - 14:25 Hexham - Quick Brew @ 11/2
foul old ron - 14:35 York - Autocratic @ 11/2
Kevtherev - 16:25 Chepstow - Ballyoptic @ 9/2
Tom Hark, Preston Park - 15:30 Newmarket - Churchill @ 8/11
The first race tomorrow is the 14:00 at Goodwood.
I am going racing for the next couple of days and won't be able to update the Naps Table. Keep your selections coming and I will provide an update of everything that has happened when I get back on Tuesday.