Absolutely. And one team for the Austro-Hungarian Empire would be more than enough, don't you reckon?...and reunite USSR, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia while we're at it ...
Do we have more of that "Don't take Me Home" stuff now?
And combine Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Finland into one Scandiwegian side, reassemble Czeckoslovakia, Yugoslavia & the USSR.
In fact, why not just condense it down to continents, although someone would end up whining about the team of penguns making up the numbers
OK champ.
Moises Caicedo and Jeremy Sarmiento start for Ecuador against Chile.
Nice result for Canada this evening!
Really don't understand why so many are getting their knickers in a twist about England playing some minnows in a qualifying tournament. No one is forced to buy tickets, no one is forced to watch on the telly. It's just a couple of games every few years. The minnows get to play at the likes of Wembley and by being in the competition no doubt get more money than if they were in a smaller qualifying tournament and that helps their grass roots. They get their moment in the spotlight
Comparisons to the FA cup are a bit ludicrous bearing in mind it is a tournament with over 700 entries, not 55 as in the European World cup qualifiers.
Trossard on for last five mins plus added
Not a nice result, an amazing result. First time we've beaten Mexico I think. The weather probably unsettled the Mexicans a little.![]()