Sadly his actions have drawn attention to this tribe, who will now doubtless be plagued by other nobodies desperate for notoriety.
True. The last thing they need is for the Holmesdale Fanatics to pitch up.

Sadly his actions have drawn attention to this tribe, who will now doubtless be plagued by other nobodies desperate for notoriety.
.....and his preliminary findings are that it's pretty damn good....................
Why are his/your beliefs right and this tribe's wrong? If you were born in this tribe, would you still believe what you believe?
Just leave people alone FFS, trying to push your beliefs on other people is just so bloody arrogant. I'm sure they've got their own fictional magic man in the sky, they don't need to use yours.
Presumably, as trade will not be affected, Donald will invade?
No idea mate. Humans are weird.
There's definitely scope for an excellent reality TV show using this island though. So many possibilities.
Are you saying there's oil under the island?
What’s wrong with saying no thanks, please leave our island...? Why is his killing somehow justified because of his Christian beliefs? Some ugly comments on here. Indigenous or not, didn’t have to kill the bloke did they?
What’s wrong with saying no thanks, please leave our island...? Why is his killing somehow justified because of his Christian beliefs? Some ugly comments on here. Indigenous or not, didn’t have to kill the bloke did they?
Clearly they thought they did. And if they truly want to be left alone, then they are going the right way about it. The killing is nothing to do with his Christian beliefs, it's about them protecting themselves. Why should they live by our laws?
Because killing someone is fundamentally against everyone’s. Please don’t argue the toss over this, disagreeing with this basic human principle puts you in a very small minority if not an asylum!!! Your choice...
I imagine that they consider outsiders as a threat to their health, their traditions, and their way of life, and they would be correct on each of these counts. They have reacted as our stone-age ancestors would have done because they are still living in the stone age. You can't judge them by our 21st century standards.
What’s wrong with saying no thanks, please leave our island...? Why is his killing somehow justified because of his Christian beliefs? Some ugly comments on here. Indigenous or not, didn’t have to kill the bloke did they?
What if him making contact with them at all put them all at risk of dying?
If you read the reports they’re not THAT cut off. It wouldn’t surprise me if an Elder has a Man U shirt. Btw, you’re doing more judging here than many on this thread. They’re not Stone Age because in the Stone Age they didn’t have bows and arrows let alone see helicopters to shoot at. Primitive they might be but they’re not some Jules Verne creation. And all this nonsense about diseases, again, you don’t drop dead within a second of seeing ONE white man from the ‘Old World’. For starters we don’t carry the same diseases as once did. Anyway, we disagree. You think it’s perfectly ok to kill or mock someone for being murdered for their religious beliefs. I don’t. Nor do most right minded-people.
Before we get holier than thou with the Americans, you might want to read this thread...