Dodgy Hamstrings
- Jan 1, 2008
- 2,482
So an unbelievably sick, violent man, who murdered two bedridden women in cold blood, disembowels a fellow sick criminal and some people want to line up to wank him off. Brilliant. Regardless of your opinions on paedophilia - crime, chemical inbalance, ingrained in the genes, mental illness or otherwise - and your thoughts on what the deserved punishment for that should be - therapy, prison, execution - to wish another human be torn apart is so sick it's beyond belief. I don't doubt that some people are incredibly passionate about the subject - it is incredibly sensitive and obviously evokes some powerful and conflicting opinions - but taking all morality of the victim's previous crimes/actions out of it, the fundamental basis of someone's approval for his being butchered is a simple, blind, blood lust. Life should mean life, and money should be spent in researching WHY this sort of attraction is formed in some people - but putting a psychopathic serial killer on a pedestal as some kind of arbiter of moral justice is nothing short of medievil. I thought we lived in a civilised society?