#together was a marketing slogan used by the club to try and flog season tkts a year ago.
Also a hashtag (a too generic one at that) makes no sense outside of twitter.
#together was a marketing slogan used by the club to try and flog season tkts a year ago.
Also a hashtag (a too generic one at that) makes no sense outside of twitter.
Together/Stand or Fall/ We Wunt Be Druv are far too sensible, especially after Were Loose
This is a message board not the supporters club.
park and ride! my arse!
He scores with his face.
If it's all ready been suggest consider this a seconding.
More an invitation than a condemnation of park and ride...unless that's the intention?park and ride! my arse!
Naturally dominant
Bore Off
Can someone enlighten me as to where " for the winning" came from please? Is it a Jirism?
More an invitation than a condemnation of park and ride...unless that's the intention?