I do emergency call outs most nights and just eat when I'm hungry which is usually crap food from various outlets or sometimes nothing until morning.
No wonder you want justice . . . . .

I do emergency call outs most nights and just eat when I'm hungry which is usually crap food from various outlets or sometimes nothing until morning.
Hello all,
I've just started a new role doing night shifts. 12 hours, 4 on 4 off. Love the job, don't mind the shift pattern and get good sleep in the day, 6-8 hours but it's absolutely killing my appetite.
Anyone on nights that can offer advice as I'm already losing weight that I don't want to lose.
Any tips on eating or nights in general would be much appreciated
AND A NICE SAUSAGEMany years since I worked night watches, but I always slept better when having a full English breakfast before going to bed. Cereal, cooked breakfast, followed by toast.
I do 9pm to 6am nights. I've never been very good at eating on night shifts, it sometimes makes me feel quite queasy, so I tend to eat a full meal just before I leave at 7:45pm. Cereal with milk was often a go-to if I did happen to be hungry in the small hours though.
Before I sorted my (terrible) diet out recently, I did find it was all too easy to pick up chocolate and crisps from 24hr petrol stations at 3amHaven't done that for about six weeks now, and I've more or less stopped missing it
Hello all,
I've just started a new role doing night shifts. 12 hours, 4 on 4 off. Love the job, don't mind the shift pattern and get good sleep in the day, 6-8 hours but it's absolutely killing my appetite.
Anyone on nights that can offer advice as I'm already losing weight that I don't want to lose.
Any tips on eating or nights in general would be much appreciated
A mate did rolling nights 4 on 4 off, damned near killed him physically over the years. Get out of there as soon as possible, you are messing up all your biorhythms which is not good.
How do you think firefighters cope? Two days on, two nights on, and four off.
How do you think firefighters cope? Two days on, two nights on, and four off.
I wouldn't recommend it. Sounds ridiculous. Bear in mind this, In winter do you find you want to sleep more and that getting out of bad at 7am in December is hard ? Then, in summer you wake up about 5am and feel full of beans ? that's your body's natural rhythm.. no point being awake when its dark but every need to be awake when its light go against those circadian rhythms at your peril .
Should imagine they do quite nicely as they sleep most nights, just as well really otherwise they wouldn’t be able to do their 2nd jobs.
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A mate did rolling nights 4 on 4 off, damned near killed him physically over the years. Get out of there as soon as possible, you are messing up all your biorhythms which is not good.
I bloody love it. 4 days off every week, plus 26 days holiday a year. Never feels like I’m working.
I eat all night when I do night shifts - big sandwich when I get in at 2300hrs, fruit, loads of (sugar-free) muesli and assorted other crap through the small hours, one last bowl of muesli at 5am, finish work 7am, asleep around 0830, up around 1pm for lunch, then dinner at usual time. I'm lucky that I don't really put on weight, plus cycling 9 or so miles to work and the same back has to be factored in.