She is the sort of cum gurgling gutterslut that only morons who stagger down West St would remotely consider good looking. Big teethed, spotty faced, ridicullously titted hog. A spectacular nonsense of a woman.

She is the sort of cum gurgling gutterslut that only morons who stagger down West St would remotely consider good looking. Big teethed, spotty faced, ridicullously titted hog. A spectacular nonsense of a woman.
She is the sort of cum gurgling gutterslut
No wonder you do so well with the birds.
You are a seriously creepy man.
Hmm - I do okay with the birds ta. Do you know what I find creepy? The fact that you follow me around on this board taking everything I say out of context and commentating on it. I am at a loss to figure out why you feel the need to constantly try and put me down and why you have such a hard on for me. At a guess I would say you are a frail little geek who wouldn't say boo to goose in real life for fear of getting your pencil neck snapped in two but somehow grow the stones to insult peolpe on here. Now f*** off.
yes mate i am like steven hawking, blinking insults to you into my computer.
You come across as a proper c unt, with a nasty line in 'ironic' mysogyny.
.... Do you know what I find creepy? The fact that you follow me around on this board ...... At a guess I would say you are a frail little geek....
....but somehow grow the stones to insult peolpe on here. Now f*** off.
she went to Cardinal Newman not Patcham
whatever. can we get back to jordan's tits, please?!
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