Well-known member
All the best HWT 
I'm currently waiting for major surgery that should have been done two years ago

I'm currently waiting for major surgery that should have been done two years ago

That's fair enough but you did say the average was 7-10 hours but is that based on statistics across the country or anecdotal evidence. Also, there is a big difference between waiting for an ambulance and waiting for admission at A&E. If you're waiting for the ambulance you're pretty much on your own but once the ambulance get's to you at least you are having medical attention even if you then have to wait in the car park at the A&E. Big problem is getting people out of hospital back into the community to free up beds so that those in A&E can be admitted to wards when necessary.
Sort out social care and that will have a positive effect on the through flow of patients in the hospitals. Unfortunately, despite promises of a ready made plan, this government has done **** all, again.
All the best HWT
I'm currently waiting for major surgery that should have been done two years ago![]()
Another anecdote although this time it was 5 hours and the elderly gentleman died.
One paragraph from that article
It talks about "high demand" in the Gloucester area, with more than 60 patients waiting for help, some for more than eight hours.
I heard that report on the radio yesterday morning.
Alarming to say the least.
It's horrific. The poor old chap died cold and alone.
Small update on my relatively trivial travails. No more pain, but not eating, and still with a 'lively' (frankly, it's Vesuvial) bowel.
Chatted with GP this morning. My hospital notes are noncommital - but there are five pages of them. I could hear her eyebrow raise, even over the phone. No wonder they were too busy to see how I was...
GP asked me to pop in and get a 'blue lid stool pot'. Mrs T got it for me. It is a small tube with a white screw top. Not quite sure how the person on the desk got that wrong. I may be shitting through the eye of a needle, but I can guarantee neither precision nor accuracy. So Mrs T went back and they apologised and replaced it. (An example of how we trust the NHS implicitly even when this defies what we see with our own eyes; Mrs T asks for a blue lid receptacle and is given a tiny white lid receptacle, which she accepts, assuming the professionals know what they are doing).
Much of the rest of the morning's acivities, and indeed a couple of episodes yesterday are probably best left unsaid.
Sufficed to say, with the pain gone, I am more than happy to join any orderly queue, going forward, with a reasonable expecatation of some resolution. I have test results Wednesday and a lesiurely GP appointment a week later (hopefully to move on what I suspect is weeks or months of creeping wrongness - something isn't right, for sure). Anyway....
And on the plus side, I've lost five kilos in three days!
Thanks for all the kind comments during my moments of anguished emoting. Those of you 'waiting to be seen' all have my very best wishes![]()
I heard that report on the radio yesterday morning.
Alarming to say the least.
Small update on my relatively trivial travails. No more pain, but not eating, and still with a 'lively' (frankly, it's Vesuvial) bowel.
Chatted with GP this morning. My hospital notes are noncommital - but there are five pages of them. I could hear her eyebrow raise, even over the phone. No wonder they were too busy to see how I was...
GP asked me to pop in and get a 'blue lid stool pot'. Mrs T got it for me. It is a small tube with a white screw top. Not quite sure how the person on the desk got that wrong. I may be shitting through the eye of a needle, but I can guarantee neither precision nor accuracy. So Mrs T went back and they apologised and replaced it. (An example of how we trust the NHS implicitly even when this defies what we see with our own eyes; Mrs T asks for a blue lid receptacle and is given a tiny white lid receptacle, which she accepts, assuming the professionals know what they are doing).
Much of the rest of the morning's acivities, and indeed a couple of episodes yesterday are probably best left unsaid.
Sufficed to say, with the pain gone, I am more than happy to join any orderly queue, going forward, with a reasonable expecatation of some resolution. I have test results Wednesday and a lesiurely GP appointment a week later (hopefully to move on what I suspect is weeks or months of creeping wrongness - something isn't right, for sure). Anyway....
And on the plus side, I've lost five kilos in three days!
Mike, sorry to hear of your frustration at the hospital and the ineptitude of some of the staff. You are not alone mate. I hope things get better for you. I haven't read all of the thread because I've hardly been on NSC in the last couple of months.
I've been tearing my hair out in the last two months re: my father, who suffered a stroke. I'd like to personally thank everyone that posted their best wishes on here. He got (fairly) good treatment afterwards in the hospital and was allowed home after four weeks. To say looking after him has been a challenge would be the biggest understatement of the century. Only two nurses have visited him at home and they were both box-ticking check-ups - nurses that had just qualified it seemed. Then, a month ago he suffered another stroke - but this time nowhere near as bad. Kept in for a couple of days before he was discharged. Mentally, he has fallen apart. The frustration of not being able to speak clearly and shortness of breath with severe fatigue has created depression which he has never suffered from before in his life.
It feels like I've become almost his full-time carer with little help from the NHS. My sister has a young family so doesn't have as much time as me. I don't mind the burden - it's not my dad's fault whatsoever. My mother has been a rock throughout all of this. She's allowed me a chance to let off steam when life has ground me down. I need to work (part-time at mo) to pay for bills and the rising cost of living. I just pray that there's some sort of light appearing in a long, dark tunnel. I feel absolutely shattered.![]()
my gp retired 3 months ago , i paid $55 .00 to have my medical records transferred to a particular practice , two broken legs and broken pelvis ( car crash) , septicaemia and cancer to name a few so my medical file looks like the yellow pages , anyway i rang my selected medical centre to book an appointment as i now need a shoulder recon so i need a referral as the surgeon i have paid about 1200 bucks to doesn't want to fill out any paperwork regarding income protection/insurance etc ........upshot of phone call they never heard of me and don't have my records , took me a whole day on the phone to find out where my records were , went there on Tuesday to get them but the girl i was dealing with was off sick , was told to come back today , went today , the girl was off sick again , melt down ensuing ..!! don't get angry with us sir...!! this isn't angry , just give me my file please , you need to wear a mask in here sir ..!! just give me my file , here's my id i'll wait outside (in the pissing rain) 10 minutes later i'd had enough , went back in , they cant find my file exact words were " you people have taken incompetence to a level that makes me question my faith in the entire medical profession" i was asked to wait outside or security would be called , i text the practice manager and told her i was there to ,pick up my file and her colleagues were unable to locate it , she text back " it';s in the out tray in my office , sorry" i opened the door and told one of the women , she scurried off like a middle aged , masked up , fear driven twatt and brought my file to me nearly 40 minutes wasted and a missed appointment with a client.
what is wrong with these people , if i ran my business like that i would not have any clients.
Small update on my relatively trivial travails. No more pain, but not eating, and still with a 'lively' (frankly, it's Vesuvial) bowel.
Chatted with GP this morning. My hospital notes are noncommital - but there are five pages of them. I could hear her eyebrow raise, even over the phone. No wonder they were too busy to see how I was...
GP asked me to pop in and get a 'blue lid stool pot'. Mrs T got it for me. It is a small tube with a white screw top. Not quite sure how the person on the desk got that wrong. I may be shitting through the eye of a needle, but I can guarantee neither precision nor accuracy. So Mrs T went back and they apologised and replaced it. (An example of how we trust the NHS implicitly even when this defies what we see with our own eyes; Mrs T asks for a blue lid receptacle and is given a tiny white lid receptacle, which she accepts, assuming the professionals know what they are doing).
Much of the rest of the morning's acivities, and indeed a couple of episodes yesterday are probably best left unsaid.
Sufficed to say, with the pain gone, I am more than happy to join any orderly queue, going forward, with a reasonable expecatation of some resolution. I have test results Wednesday and a lesiurely GP appointment a week later (hopefully to move on what I suspect is weeks or months of creeping wrongness - something isn't right, for sure). Anyway....
And on the plus side, I've lost five kilos in three days!
Thanks for all the kind comments during my moments of anguished emoting. Those of you 'waiting to be seen' all have my very best wishes![]()
Which just goes to show that privatisation isn't going to improve matters. Humans make mistakes no matter how the funding is done.
It's horrific. The poor old chap died cold and alone.
Small update on my relatively trivial travails. No more pain, but not eating, and still with a 'lively' (frankly, it's Vesuvial) bowel.
Chatted with GP this morning. My hospital notes are noncommital - but there are five pages of them. I could hear her eyebrow raise, even over the phone. No wonder they were too busy to see how I was...
GP asked me to pop in and get a 'blue lid stool pot'. Mrs T got it for me. It is a small tube with a white screw top. Not quite sure how the person on the desk got that wrong. I may be shitting through the eye of a needle, but I can guarantee neither precision nor accuracy. So Mrs T went back and they apologised and replaced it. (An example of how we trust the NHS implicitly even when this defies what we see with our own eyes; Mrs T asks for a blue lid receptacle and is given a tiny white lid receptacle, which she accepts, assuming the professionals know what they are doing).
Much of the rest of the morning's acivities, and indeed a couple of episodes yesterday are probably best left unsaid.
Sufficed to say, with the pain gone, I am more than happy to join any orderly queue, going forward, with a reasonable expecatation of some resolution. I have test results Wednesday and a lesiurely GP appointment a week later (hopefully to move on what I suspect is weeks or months of creeping wrongness - something isn't right, for sure). Anyway....
And on the plus side, I've lost five kilos in three days!
Thanks for all the kind comments during my moments of anguished emoting. Those of you 'waiting to be seen' all have my very best wishes![]()