Alex Alex Dawson oo! oo!
Primary data is fact
Thats what annoys me about chemo how it mucks up your own defenses. Im sorry to hear about the prognosis but things change everyday in research so never say never.
Im a bit mythed at the moment on how i got a cold after my last injection.
Non specific chemo tends to inhibit/knock back all the bodies fast producing cells including tumours and the body's immune system - that's the way they work. Some of the recently developed targetted therapies such as mono-clonal antibodies like Avastin have a more subtle mode of action.
Incubation period for the common cold virus is usually about 48 hours so you probably picked it up at the end of last week; maybe your immune system was down a bit or perhaps it's not come into contact with the particular strain previously so doesn't have the antigen ready made to knock it out.