Me too.I’m not an astronomer so can’t say that it has NO chance of impact but the risks are high enough not to dismiss the possibility out of hand according to NASA and the European Space Agency.
The links I posted in the OP and follow up post all discuss planetary defence systems and I specifically linked to info about DART so no sensationalist headlines here!
Another here
This asteroid might not hit Earth in 2032 after all—here’s how we know
Space agencies have systems in place to spot, track, and forecast the future orbits of potentially hazardous
I would add another interesting snippet that the size of 2024 y4 is at best a very broad estimate from 40-300 metres because until scientists know what the surface is made of, they don’t know how much of the size impression is down to reflected sunlight from a shiny surface or actual mass.
Another point I picked up on was that asteroids are most visible at the closest distance to earth - this asteroid was not discovered until two days after its closest point when it was already moving past Earth.
I love this stuff!![]()
NASA needs to get this bad boy in orbit ASAP.

NEO Surveyor - NASA Science
NEO Surveyor is the first space telescope specifically designed to hunt asteroids and comets that may be potential hazards to Earth.