Usual RRP (when available): £104.99
Average price on eBay: £150+
Average price on eBay: £150+
sorry i will have to strongly disagree with you there! pro evolution on its own makes up for all there games added together!El Presidente said:Get a GameCube, are better
mejonaNO12 aka riskit said:sorry i will have to strongly disagree with you there! pro evolution on its own makes up for all there games added together!
El Presidente said:That would be like judging a woman solely because she has a great pair of tits, and ignoring her personality.
don't be sillyEl Presidente said:Get a GameCube, it's smaller, cheaper and the games are better (although there are fewer of them).
Titanic said:I'm sure I've got an old Model 30-286 knocking around somewhere. Not sure I can find the floppies for the OS/2 SE 1.1 operating system though.
I would never have thought they'd be worth that sort of money.
MYOB said:You beat me to it, you bastard
MYOB said:Windows NT IS OS/2. Remember, Microsoft basically stole the VMS kernel team, and chucked Warp ontop of it. I used to use OS/2 as my sole i386 OS - when an SGI was my main workstation
I booted her up today as I'm trying to break the record for most browsers used in one day, but Warp 4.0 refused to pick up my DSL.
I've still posted from IE, Firefox on Windows, Firefox on Linux/PPC, Firefox on MacOSX, Chimera and Safari in the past 24 hours though