Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
The other stuff was created when Google ads pulled the plug, and the revenue dried up. All threads had to go in there for a time until the mods decided what was "safe" to release into the real world. They pro didn't read most of them, so most old threads still lie there. Many could probably be released.
There is a place where mods ARE supposed to explain their actions, including bans and post deletions, but unfortunately fewer seem to bother using it these days. Mods should be accountable for their actions.
"This forum will be used by board moderators and administrators to post an explanation of moderating activities that have had to be undertaken.
Replies are not permitted, intentionally as it is not intended that moderating decisions are discussed in public. We hope members will accept that moderating posts and/or banning members is generally an action of last resort. The board is here for members to post and enjoy, it is no-one's interest to suppress posts. Unfortunately sometimes moderation is the only course of action available.
Should you wish to discuss any particular decision further, please contact the relevant moderator by PM."
Leyton Gull was banned but not explained in the moderators forum because it happened during a thread. It was realised that jimbob5 had re-registered after being banned for being a Palace muppet. Several Nsc posters outed him. I suppose the moderator could have added to the original banning post, by adding that he had been banned again.