Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
Bit of a shame for the Greek government really. If any of THEIR homegrown or imported players were non-shite, they'd be WELL on the case. As it is, they'll have to make do with charging folks with a pool the size of a postage stamp for a multi-thousand Euro non-obligatory life-saving course and mandatory life saving certificate. Oh, and not issuing tourists with a receipt for a cold Mythos (or preferably a brewed under not-very-close local supervision Heineken). Can't say I blame them though. They should just send the bill to Germany.
The Greeks are very adept at tax dodging. They only pay the equivalent of council tax on complete homes, so when they build, they leave something unfinished, which is why you often see re-bars sticking out of the concrete walls, they leave the top floor unfinished in a three storey block.
The tax man doubles the amount of duty on the figures produced, because it's expected that these will only be the true amount. Corruption is rife, for instance, you visit a doctor, and get treated, but you get much better treatment if you take an envelope with you and put it on the desk.