With regard to enforcement of these new regs, it will probably be down to an officer's view of what is 'reasonable'. I remember reading that you are allowed to reverse a 'reasonable' distance on a road, meaning that if someone decides they want to drive five miles in reverse gear, this would be deemed 'unreasonable', etc. Cue the courts having to come up with a test case verdict at some point, on what is a reasonable distance to drive in the centre/outside lane...
No, this one isn't. Can you explain what message "Think Bike, Think Biker" is supposed to convey?
Middle Lane Hogs leads to people undertaking which is dangerous.
Maybe in Heaven that happens but here, in the real world, most drivers seem to think that they can steam as far as possible down the emptying right hand lane and then just expect people to let them in 30 yards before the lane closes.
But if the right hand lane didn't empty, and the two lanes filtered one after the other at the end of the queue, there would be no pushing in, the length of the tailback would be halved and everyone would be happy. Oh, and if people stopped leaving such big gaps the tailback would be even shorter!!
The problem with this is that merging as you meet the queue, rather than overtaking everyone and only merging once you reach the point where the road actually narrows, results in a great deal of road space not being used by anyone - thereby lengthening the queue and causing tailbacks to earlier junctions. The most efficient use of roadspace to optimise the capacity of the road is for as many drivers as possible to overtake everyone and merge late. It may seem unreasonable to do this, particularly to those drivers who are overtaken, but - on average - it's the best solution.
Some situations which require vehicles to merge are now equipped with signs to encourage late merging, rather than early merging.
1. Banning trucks from overtaking.
Whilst I see your point...would you undertake if you cannot pull out to overtake and the car in the middle lane is doing about 40 be it motorway or dual carriageway...The People who undertake I find far more dangerous, they should be made to retake their driving test after a minimum period of 6 months off the road. This would also see off many of our "overseas" dangerous drivers.
Absolute bollocks. In the UK the motorways are jammed full of trucks in the slow lane going 50-60mph. Are you seriously telling me that if I want to go 70-80 that I've got to weave in and out of the trucks and multitude of other slow traffic in the slow lane?
Absolute bollocks. In the UK the motorways are jammed full of trucks in the slow lane going 50-60mph. Are you seriously telling me that if I want to go 70-80 that I've got to weave in and out of the trucks and multitude of other slow traffic in the slow lane? If they want to improve traffic flow and safety, they'd be a million times better off doing the following:
1. Banning trucks from overtaking. Slow lane only morons, especially on 2-lane motorways
2. Setting minimum lane speed limits (say 70 for middle and 80 for right). If you want to go 50, stay in the left lane with all the trucks.
3. Instantly banning any driver found to be within '2 chevrons' of another. Being 6 feet from the rear bumper if the car in front is not going to help you get to your destination quicker, it's just going to guarantee that you cause everyone else a long delay if the car in front has to stop suddenly and you smash into them, and in any case reduces smooth flow of traffic when busy
4. Bans for dickheads who think they have a right to drive 100+ and undertake if you have the temerity to be going 80 in the right hand lane
Are you seriously telling me that if I want to go 70-80 that I've got to weave in and out of the trucks and multitude of other slow traffic in the slow lane?
Absolute bollocks. In the UK the motorways are jammed full of trucks in the slow lane going 50-60mph. Are you seriously telling me that if I want to go 70-80 that I've got to weave in and out of the trucks and multitude of other slow traffic in the slow lane? If they want to improve traffic flow and safety, they'd be a million times better off doing the following:
1. Banning trucks from overtaking. Slow lane only morons, especially on 2-lane motorways
2. Setting minimum lane speed limits (say 70 for middle and 80 for right). If you want to go 50, stay in the left lane with all the trucks.
3. Instantly banning any driver found to be within '2 chevrons' of another. Being 6 feet from the rear bumper if the car in front is not going to help you get to your destination quicker, it's just going to guarantee that you cause everyone else a long delay if the car in front has to stop suddenly and you smash into them, and in any case reduces smooth flow of traffic when busy
4. Bans for dickheads who think they have a right to drive 100+ and undertake if you have the temerity to be going 80 in the right hand lane