Any advert in which the company simply makes up the name for a combination of chemicals... eg:
Activia: Digestivus Bifidum < MADE UP!
"The more we get together, together, together..." etc
Why are products dealing with embarrassing body issues- incontinence, flatulence, diarrhoea, constipation etc- always advertised by women?
Because blokes don't care so much about embarrassing body issues?
If a woman "breaks wind" in public she is (usually) mortified. A bloke just claims them!
True, but even a bloke can't laugh off explosive diarrhoea in the middle of a business meeting, can he?
Hate the ambulance chaser adverts
"Broken your leg?
Not you faullt?
Good! We'll make money on it!!"
Or the consolidation loan adverts
"Up to your neck in debt?
Own your house?
Good. Borrow some more money you can't afford! We don't give a toss we can always sell your house!"