Cannot for the life of me understand why anybody would wish to purposely watch a second of it (or of the ISIS execution videos, etc).
Disturbing and baffling.
ISIS video, youporn.
Beheading, giving head.
I know which I’ll choose on the Internet.
Cannot for the life of me understand why anybody would wish to purposely watch a second of it (or of the ISIS execution videos, etc).
Disturbing and baffling.
I'll absolutely 100% not encourage you to watch it but I've watched a few of this type of thing, including this one - Don't ask me why, I honestly don't know - But you may be surprised about how desensitised you are to it if you've played shoot em up games, watched violent movies etc etc. Most adults can separate this from their moral compass but kids and 'vulnerable' adults are going to be influenced by it.
Not sure where I'm going with this, maybe just that it's scary just how much violence we absorb.....
I’ve never been into gaming, not for any virtuous reason, but I guessed that some people who war game might find this less shocking viewing. With some hateful loons in the western world actually loving it.
Whatever you think, Enoch had a point - human beings split down tribal lines and many seem incapable of getting on. We see it time and time again with these acts of violence masquerading as this or that ideology. I firmly believe it will get worse as pressures of climate change and mass migration strain coexistence and gives rise to more and more extremism.
watahced the video , can't deny was fascinating. Looked like an arcade game. Crazy shit
Kids these days must barely ever get shocked.
Terrible . Things will escalate even further
Sad world
Even if other people on here have agreed with you, Enoch Powell was big-time wrong. An equivalent today would be far more likely to inspire this sort of thing rather than anything else.
There was this bloke about 2,000 years ago who told people to "Love their neighbour", and who in response to the question "Who is my Neighbour", told the story of the Good Samaritan when the relationship between Jews and Samaritans would have been as bad as anything we might know about today.
And if you want a more recent secular quote, how about Elvis Costello - "What's so Funny 'bout Peace, Love and Understanding".
And if you want a more recent secular quote, how about Elvis Costello - "What's so Funny 'bout Peace, Love and Understanding".
The trouble is that another bloke about 600 years later gave a very different message.
More Islamaphobia from you in this thread is actually disgusting, so I've reported your post.
Maybe you should instead reflect on how people you follow spreading hate have contributed to this terrorist's radicalisation
I suppose you have never watched horror movies either ? Or hard hitting documentaries ?
The trouble is that another bloke about 600 years later gave a very different message.
I want you to know that as difficult as this day has been for me and other members of my community, your replies in particular are making it more difficult for me. Debates regarding religion have been going on for literally thousands of years. Independent of whether you are “right” or not, do you think you can wait until the blood from fifty innocent human beings is dry before denouncing their faith?
To others: thank you for your words. Do not pressure yourselves to defend my faith, just be there for your neighbors no matter their background, and pray for the souls of the departed and the health of the physically- and psychologically-injured. Being there for your neighbors, physical or electronic in our online communities, is what would be most helpful today.
As a Muslim, obviously I am heartbroken but really not surprised. Around the world the flames of other-hood are being fanned by nationalists and I have felt less safe as a Muslim walking around my own hometown than I did in the months and years after 911. Instead of fearing the government, I have learned to fear my neighbor.
Unfortunately on twitter in the anonymity that the internet affords, you will find a lot of support for the shooter, a lot of crass comments, and give us some insight to what a much larger silent group think and feel. This was not a small cell or lone wolf attack. They never are.
I write this to bring attention to the following: killing people is not normal. Violent extremism is a mental virus, a virus that can infect any one of us or our communities. The atrocities that people commit cannot be ascribed to the nature of their race, or their faith, or their language. It is a function of that mental virus. As long as we do not address this environment, these events will recur.
My condolences to those who are left behind to deal with this world. Including us.
Even if other people on here have agreed with you, Enoch Powell was big-time wrong. An equivalent today would be far more likely to inspire this sort of thing rather than anything else.
There was this bloke about 2,000 years ago who told people to "Love their neighbour", and who in response to the question "Who is my Neighbour", told the story of the Good Samaritan when the relationship between Jews and Samaritans would have been as bad as anything we might know about today.
And if you want a more recent secular quote, how about Elvis Costello - "What's so Funny 'bout Peace, Love and Understanding".
Sorry, you’ve lost me?
watahced the video , can't deny was fascinating. Looked like an arcade game. Crazy shit
Kids these days must barely ever get shocked.
Terrible . Things will escalate even further
Sad world