I think the problem the rail workers have with their strike action is that the general public are so used to rail services not running or being disrupted, that they simply roll their eyes and carry on with their alternative transport arrangements.
The worker’s uppity bullshit has been going on for well over ten years now. Give a f***.
As for commuters, I imagine the combination of price hikes, appalling service, overtime strikes, national strikes etc that they probably lost all sympathy for the rail workers years ago.
I don’t really care much for the rail workers plight. They’re well paid and many of their jobs are obsolete. Judging by the performance most of them put in at work, I’d rather deal with a touch screen than one of those surly bastards on the trains or in the station.
Drivers, I agree.
I don't have any numbers, but I wonder what trainers cleaners get paid for example?