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[Albion] Moises Caicedo - New contract signed until summer 2027 with 1 year extra option.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Nobody is saying he will get injured but the reality is that it is a possibility. They are not separate points. Get compensation when your career has ended when you're on $£35k a week is very different to getting compensation when you are on £165k a week! Surely you see that?
You have missed the point. Brighton would be happy to sign a new contract that puts him on a lot more than £35k a week. Currently he is on a relatively low wage and on a relatively short contract, so the total he'd receive if his career ended in ok, but not amazing. A new contract with Brighton (including a release clause) would increase the wage and length of contract, insuring that a career ending injury (however unlikely) would still see his whole family wealthy for the rest of their lives.

Now of course a new contract with Arsenal could see them even richer, but that wasn't the point being debated. The point was 'what if his career ends, he might want to be sure his family is catered for'. With a new contract here, they could be.

Greg Bobkin

Silver Seagull
May 22, 2012
1) it's Alan nixon reporting it who has some standing in the game

2) we've been in for sander before (a couple of years ago)

3) sander is still highly rated. Good player.

Makes sense to me
I think your point #1 would be disputed by @Not Andy Naylor (unless I'm thinking of another hack he's mentioned on here before).

Also Berge doesn't really fit the Albion 'model' as he's already 24 (too old) 🤣

The Fits

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2020
Berge is exactly the sort of the player we should be in for. Good age and experience. Likely to stick around.

Cheeky Monkey

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
Chelsea going all in on Enzo apparently.


Change at Barnham

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
Bognor Regis
SkySports were reporting about an hour ago that Sander Berge is lined up to sign for Fulham, and was left out of the Sheffield United squad at Wrexham today.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2017
Well it's clear the player and or agent have made their mind up that they are leaving for one of the big 6 so I hope we milk one of these mercenary clubs for as much money as we can get. If Grealish was worth 100M, we should be aiming to get at least 80M for a player with big potential at 21. And we should ask for as much money up front as we can, don’t want them drip feeding us a few million here or there every 6 months.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2005
Posted some positive things recently defending our position on the Caicedo situation as well.
Yeah he did a few minutes with Barry Glendenning & Charlie Baker earlier very pro Brighton. Sounded like it was ‘unofficial’ Brighton statement , but basically said not concerned about the players attitude as agent driven / badly advised. But also said he can’t see Brighton selling as they are annoyed the way it’s been handled + with Trossard as well the example it’ll set to the other key players we have to be used to engineer moves in the future


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
Well it's clear the player and or agent have made their mind up that they are leaving for one of the big 6 so I hope we milk one of these mercenary clubs for as much money as we can get. If Grealish was worth 100M, we should be aiming to get at least 80M for a player with big potential at 21. And we should ask for as much money up front as we can, don’t want them drip feeding us a few million here or there every 6 months.
Transfers are almost always paid over several years, you can see the grand total in club accounts at any particular year-end. Arsenal’s sum owed to clubs is vast.

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