What about if your daughter was 30, 5'ft 5 & what some might call attractive, and your son 28, 6ft tall and what some might call attractive?
Still taking that 10 min, half a mile walk from their destination scenario (their own homes, as they don't live at home anymore), would you say to both of them (they are in different places and don't know that the other one is out), 'yeah I'll pay for your Uber'? If you did say yes to both of them, would you be saying yes for the same fears and reasons? This is a genuine question, I don't doubt for one second that you'd be out of the door to pick up either one of them in real life.
Daughter is 27, 5’1 and not really for me to judge attractiveness, son is 23, 5’9 and as fit as a butcher’s dog. Not sure what you mean by ‘fears and reasons’ - either could be attacked, I just think it more likely my son would be. Feral groups of lads attack lads - that’s a more likely scenario in my mind.
Not sure I can answer to be honest - I’d be worried about both, would pay for both and would rush out to pick either of them up (yes, even now at their ages).