Don‘t get me wrong - I love Matt O’Riley. If for no other reason that his attitude is exemplary - bouncing back from Fulham release, taking responsibility of being main man at Celtic and most of all his determination to battle back from injury with zero self pity.He's clearly good enough for Tony to put his own money behind him.
Will he make it for us, who knows, same as Ferdi, but I'll be a positive supporter and give the guy a chance.
And speaking of positivity, no it's not about closing down forum discussion. I bloody love good healthy discussion. But it's about giving people a fair chance.
Same with all the new signings, the manager, senior staff or whoever. I feel as a supporter we should support the team and give people a chance before we write them off.
We clearly can't judge this player yet as he's been injured.
I've absolutely no idea if he'll be our next "Jakhanbash" (which as someone else said is a boring 4 year old reference). Let's hope not, but the idea that you, I or anyone here can work out he's crap, when he's been injured or on the bench, compared to the money and time spent by the genuine experts in our recruitment team is laughable.
Has it been disappointing? Yeah watching Crawley nearly destroy someone's career is disappointing.
Would it be nice to see him more? Yes, as with Ferdi and half the squad that's been injured.
Am I disappointed he now might struggle to get into the first team because our other players are playing so bloody well? Well, less so.
Any player (perhaps Gomez the exception) needs a decent run in the team before we'll know where they sit.
All I ask is we don't write players off immediately. Our model means getting people from other leagues, or younger players and adapting them to the PL. That takes time so let's give the guy a chance.
He will put this season behind him and cut it in the Premier League, hopefully with us.
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