I like Marmite cheddar, they do it in those mini babybell size ones. There are nicer cheeses out there but it's quite the treat.
Love marmite, and I love marmite cheddar - have you tried Heinz ketchup cheddar
I like Marmite cheddar, they do it in those mini babybell size ones. There are nicer cheeses out there but it's quite the treat.
Never understood the Love it Hate it thing. It's alright, can take or leave it really.
Erm, for someone who likes 'getting involved' I'm surprised that you appear to lack the very basic principles of marketing.
'Marmite, you can take it or leave it really' doesn't quite work.
love it - the older i get the more i spread on.
Favourite is marmite toast with seriously strong cheese spread.
Marmite's OK, but Bovril is better. FACT
Sainsbury's, a while back did a retro sandwich range. One was plain white bread with marmite, cheddar cheese and cucumber. f***ing awesome. I absolutely f***ing adore marmite. I have a marmite key ring, three marmite mugs, the Marmite cookbook (look it up onine, an essential purchase for any marmite lover) and my death row meal would be toasted marmite sandwiches. My girlfriend hates the stuff.
It's like drinking Gravy!!
Marmite's OK, but Bovril is better. FACT
Marmite on crumpets