Margaret Thatcher is remembered for Doing Something about the unions. Brave trade union reform. And selling off council houses.
Not mentioned in the first manifesto is anything to do with tackling unemployment:
And yet, her election poster from the time is all and only about unemployment. 'Labour Isn't Working'. Remember? What does it mean? It is clear (see below). She was elected in 1979 on a simple platform that implied that the Labour party was making people unemployed. Below is the poster that galvanised the voters. Below that the unemployment statistics, with 1979 highlighed with a little yellow blob. What happened next?

What happened, astonishingly, after the election was that unemployment was allowed to rise - to an 'acceptable level' - while funds were directed towards selling off council houses, creating a generation on nodding-dog working class tories that (along with two quite unsuitable labour leaders) kept them in power for 3 terms, transforming society in the process, restoring a situation where property became king again, and unless you have an account at the bank of mum and dad there is increasingly less chance of getting on the property ladder (post-war working class mischief managed).
I'm not sure which constitutes Mandela syndrome here, the forgetting of the visceral message and grand theme of Thatchers election poster, or the forgetting of the 'paradoxical' massive increase in unemployment that marked her time in office.
Not mentioned in the first manifesto is anything to do with tackling unemployment:
And yet, her election poster from the time is all and only about unemployment. 'Labour Isn't Working'. Remember? What does it mean? It is clear (see below). She was elected in 1979 on a simple platform that implied that the Labour party was making people unemployed. Below is the poster that galvanised the voters. Below that the unemployment statistics, with 1979 highlighed with a little yellow blob. What happened next?

What happened, astonishingly, after the election was that unemployment was allowed to rise - to an 'acceptable level' - while funds were directed towards selling off council houses, creating a generation on nodding-dog working class tories that (along with two quite unsuitable labour leaders) kept them in power for 3 terms, transforming society in the process, restoring a situation where property became king again, and unless you have an account at the bank of mum and dad there is increasingly less chance of getting on the property ladder (post-war working class mischief managed).
I'm not sure which constitutes Mandela syndrome here, the forgetting of the visceral message and grand theme of Thatchers election poster, or the forgetting of the 'paradoxical' massive increase in unemployment that marked her time in office.