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[Albion] Man City forum

Jam The Man

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
South East North Lancing
As we wondered back to the coach park defeated but not down after the team gave a great account of themselves when this northan youth walks past with the usal John Wyane wide legged exaggerated swagger ciggy pinched between thumb and first fingers Chavy Burberry baseball cap looking to bravely wind up a group of Brighton fans with little comments under his breath as he passed how brave and intimidating this lone City supported as he passed a group of four pensioners little old ladies chatting away completly oblivious to this youth with his northern swagger bravely goading them when it was all over as the pensioners still oblivious turned to enter the coach park the youth swaggered ever wider in the sure knowledge that he had owned the situation waddled off down the road

Blimey mate - you really need to draw a breath.


British and Proud
Oct 15, 2014
and the Etihad is one of the most unpleasant and unfriendly places I've been in 21 years away travel.

Can't have done many aways then

Captain Sensible

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Not the real one
Off topic really but you have to give credit to Sterling. Not for his actual performance but for his humble post match comments acknowledging the part we played in the game and also for his buying of tickets for local school children to attend. He’s increasingly giving the finger to the press and their previous portrayal of him as a bad lad. Respect.

Were these school kids shown on the big screen at any time? I’m wondering if they were a group of around 10 Youths? Mostly Young black lads with London accents and recently purchased city scarfs from a vendor on the street. They tried to start trouble on the Harrow high street shouting “f#ck off Albion” and trying to start on a Brighton fan that had clearly had too much to drink. Before disappearing into a fried chicken take away place. They seemed like they’ve never been to a football match and had the impression that you had to swear and shout in the faces of the opposition fans. Most of us near them were just bemused as it all looked a bit strange and didnt quite fit. My mate then asks if they were the school kids Sterling gave tickets to? Charming bunch to choose to go to a game, maybe they were the school bullies that demanded they get the tickets? If they were or weren’t, it was a strange moment. They were later shown on the big screens with their shiny street vendor city scarfs on.


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
Bizarre set of comments on there. I drove there and back with a City fan (5 hours each way, so we had plenty of chat time). He's a 'proper' City fan - i:e: went through the bad times. He had nothing bad to say about the ref, our players - no mention of diving (not even in a jokey fashion), and said that all around him were convinced that Walker was going to be sent off. The comments were all along the lines of 'why has he done that, he's off'. So - how they then can say the ref was one-sided is quite amazing.

There was one tackle where their players protested that Ali J dived, and Murray got a few more free-kicks for the shoves in his back than he has been doing - but I simply can't think of any other occasions where the City players moaned much, or where we looked dirty or cheats.

Very disappointing to read.

Have you seen the comments about us on their forum? That's what this thread is about.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2015
Sittingbourne, Kent
Without wanting to raise a dissenting voice, my advice would be don’t bother with other teams’ forums. Sometimes NSC can be fantastic but it’s not unknown for the whole lot of us to get caught up in unintelligent, ranting binfests.

We started off in Harrow yesterday which is where my mate’s hotel was and also some of the designated City pubs. Plenty of them around with decent banter and many wishing us well. I’d suggest the hardcore fans that were in a boozer at 1pm for an evening kick off and the stay at home replica shirters watching on telly and immediately logging on to the internet are two very different sets of fans

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Sorry, I agree with the don't go looking if you're going to get upset bit - however, in my time here I don't think I have ever seen such a diatribe of rubbish spouted, I didn't find one sane voice on that post until post number 65 - now that's a lot of mentalists!!!

Tooting Gull

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
On the tube home the City fans I spoke to all thought a) Walker should have gone, and b) that we deserved an equaliser in the second half. Basically, exactly the same as I thought.

You're always going to get a few lunatics who allow disappointment to get in the way of their judgment, but they were rattled in the second half. They started time-wasting after about 50 minutes - this, from supposedly the best team in the world. They were whining at the referee about every decision, and losing a lot of the 50-50s. It wasn't going their way after the early goal, and they didn't like it.

I can't believe that Jenas quote that Brighton' drag you down to their level', that is a disgraceful but also cretinous comment and showed an alarming lack of insight. Was he actually watching the match, or was that a pre-planned attack? We all know we aren't always the most expansive team in the league, but I thought we got the balance right yesterday. Not too open so we got cut to pieces, but played well and got better as the match went on.

As far as I am concerned we showed yesterday that we deserve to be in the Premier League but you get nothing for that - now let's go and earn it and make sure. Huge matches looming.


Well-known member
May 3, 2012
Have you seen the comments about us on their forum? That's what this thread is about.

Yes - that's what I was saying. I find the comments on their thread bizarre, as they don't reflect what I saw at the game, and they don't reflect what all City fans thought. That's the point I was making.


NSC Patron
Jun 27, 2012
Sterling was an embarrassment.

Sterling had, compared to his last game a fortnight ago at Wembley where he scored a hat trick, a disappointing game. Partly due to our defenders. The Manchester Evening News scored him 5.
He isn't and wasn't an "embarrassment".

lawros left foot

Glory hunting since 1969
NSC Patron
Jun 11, 2011
As we wondered back to the coach park defeated but not down after the team gave a great account of themselves when this northan youth walks past with the usal John Wyane wide legged exaggerated swagger ciggy pinched between thumb and first fingers Chavy Burberry baseball cap looking to bravely wind up a group of Brighton fans with little comments under his breath as he passed how brave and intimidating this lone City supported as he passed a group of four pensioners little old ladies chatting away completly oblivious to this youth with his northern swagger bravely goading them when it was all over as the pensioners still oblivious turned to enter the coach park the youth swaggered ever wider in the sure knowledge that he had owned the situation waddled off down the road

In Elbows "Build a rocket, boys" Guy Harvey calls it "a simian stroll":)


Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
May 3, 2006
I'm in a WhatsApp group with fans of various other teams, and the resident City fan was very chippy yesterday.

He started by claiming that "half our support" was made up of United fans, then shut up when it was pointed out to him that the BBC talked to four of the kids for whom Sterling had bought tickets - two United fans, a Chelsea fan and an Arsenal fan, by their own admission.

Post-match, the general view was that we'd done alright and probably as well as could be expected, especially given the early goal. He then chimed in (you'd think he'd be happy about having got to a Cup final), with a rant about Jahanbakhsh supposedly diving and how Brighton in general were "disgusting".

I then pointed out that he might want to consider the value of being gracious in victory, which prompted another rant about how he grew up in Brighton, always keeps an eye on how we're doing and went to the Playoff Final in 2004, but again how disgusting we apparently were yesterday.

My retort was very mature - you must be either pissed or just totally classless. Whereupon he flounced out of the group to general amusement from everyone else.


NSC Patron
Jun 27, 2012
Were these school kids shown on the big screen at any time? I’m wondering if they were a group of around 10 Youths? Mostly Young black lads with London accents and recently purchased city scarfs from a vendor on the street. They tried to start trouble on the Harrow high street shouting “f#ck off Albion” and trying to start on a Brighton fan that had clearly had too much to drink. Before disappearing into a fried chicken take away place. They seemed like they’ve never been to a football match and had the impression that you had to swear and shout in the faces of the opposition fans. Most of us near them were just bemused as it all looked a bit strange and didnt quite fit. My mate then asks if they were the school kids Sterling gave tickets to? Charming bunch to choose to go to a game, maybe they were the school bullies that demanded they get the tickets? .

Sterling bought 550 tickets. And all credit to him. You've no idea if this tiny sample (10 ? All kids ? You heard all their accents ? ) were from the school or who they were. And there was plenty of swearing at opposition fans and buying of half/half scarves by all sorts yesterday in addition to this anecdote. Its not unusual at a match of this scale.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Contrast that with City fans at Wembley who spoke to us, said we were unlucky and all the best for the rest of the season.

Agree. I spoke with a lot of City fans at Wembley that do remember where they've come from. Perhaps these aren't the armchair warriors.

Captain Sensible

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Not the real one
Sterling bought 550 tickets. And all credit to him. You've no idea if this tiny sample (10 ? All kids ? You heard all their accents ? ) were from the school or who they were. And there was plenty of swearing at opposition fans and buying of half/half scarves by all sorts yesterday in addition to this anecdote. Its not unusual at a match of this scale.

I’ve no idea if they were part of it or not. Of course it is possible that some that I didn’t hear swearing and shouting non-football chants (the ones I heard were not from anywhere north of Barnet) were from Manchester or anywhere else. The chicken place was not the sort of establishment you would go in unless you knew it. They weren’t half half scarfs either, just new City ones. I didn’t know anything about him buying tickets or how many. They may or may not have been part of the 550. They were at the game and were on the big screen as I said, hence some of us thinking they may have been part of the Sterling group. Which is why I asked if the kids were shown on the screen.


Plastic JCL
Sep 14, 2016
I used to quite like City, because their fans were more grounded than the tourist attraction that is their neighbours.
But when you go there and see it is all really just no different to a manufactured boy band, it is actually a bit sad.

Love this line as it sums it up so well.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2017
They have become the most soulless club in world football, and it seems a fair few of their supporters have have sold their souls too. Got to feel a bit sorry for them really.

I don't feel sorry for them one bit. I'd hate to support a team who become so used to success that no one can be arsed with an FA Cup semi final against little old Brighton. The lack of celebration from their fans at the end of the game said it all for me. What a shyte club - absolutely everything that's wrong with modern football summed up by Manchester City

Edit... And they have the audacity to boo the Champions League anthem every game too for supposed corruption or whatever, knowing full well their owners are corrupt and dodgy as f***.

A mex eyecan

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
I had a read of that too. Do you remember when City fans were down to earth, through thick and thin types? When did they get replaced by these insufferably entitled dullards? Nothing but abuse for us because we didn't just roll over and let their team of FFP-cheating Galacticos humiliate us. They even accuse us of being dirty when they committed twice as many fouls* and should have had a player sent off.

There's not a lot of self awareness there is there? If one team is allowed to be funded by oil money to the point where they can buy full backs that cost more than other teams' stadiums, it's not very surprising that the resulting matches are not a spectacle of Corinthian endeavour is it? If one team buys success at such a level that others can't compete it's also not surprising that even their own fans don't want to bother to go and watch is it?

Our team turned up today. They were hard working, well drilled and committed. They gave their all against overwhelming odds and pushed it close.
Brighton's fans also turned up and gave the match an atmosphere worthy of the occasion. City fans have to admit that they did not play their part. Those that did bother to come made very little noise. They must all be asking themselves what the point of all this success is. They don't seem to having anywhere near as much fun as they did when they watched Shaun Goater lift them through the lower divisions.

I think it would do them a favour if we ground out a result at the Amex that hands the title to Liverpool. They might start to remember that football is about heartbreak and joy in equal parts. Anyone who had to watch the Harlem Globetrotters week after week, month after month, year after year and didn't eventually want the Washington Generals to win a game would be a borderline psychopath.... or Tim Lovejoy.

* - (Even if we discount all the 'fouls' that Glenn bought on the half way line, they still committed more than us).

I hope beyond hope that should we ever become a very established club in the Premier, and that if we were to win some silverware, that we NEVER, EVER, become like the elite top 6. I look at what success has done to their fans, look what success has done to the once genuine soul and identity of the clubs and believe ‘sucess’ with what it seems to bring just isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

Please, let’s remain who we are and let’s be grateful for what we do and how we do it

Knocky's Nose

Mon nez est retiré.
May 7, 2017
As we wondered back to the coach park defeated but not down after the team gave a great account of themselves when this northan youth walks past with the usal John Wyane wide legged exaggerated swagger ciggy pinched between thumb and first fingers Chavy Burberry baseball cap looking to bravely wind up a group of Brighton fans with little comments under his breath as he passed how brave and intimidating this lone City supported as he passed a group of four pensioners little old ladies chatting away completly oblivious to this youth with his northern swagger bravely goading them when it was all over as the pensioners still oblivious turned to enter the coach park the youth swaggered ever wider in the sure knowledge that he had owned the situation waddled off down the road

We came out of Block H at the end to find a lone Man City fan stood in the middle of what must have been 40-50 Brighton fans goading the crap out of them.

He got punched, several times, then a lone copper waded in to save him.

Aside from that, I was in text contact with a friend who is a die-hard City fan who was there, who said the game wasn't a worldie but was blown away by our support.

lawros left foot

Glory hunting since 1969
NSC Patron
Jun 11, 2011
It's a bit of a cleft stick. On the one hand I would love for us to be as successful as City, in with a good shout for the four major competitions at the business end of the season. However, if that meant selling the soul of the club I've supported all my life, through thin and thinner, and, having to share it with jcl/tourists/glory hunters, I hope I'd pass.h
I love the fact we're a small club punching above our weight, with a mainly local support, who's main claim to fame is we came back from near terminal decline, to be where we are now.
If we were ever as successful as City, the thing about this wonderful football club, I would be most proud of, is the struggle during the war years, and our ultimate victory.
Cups and competition wins are passing glories, what we have achieved in saving a club from death, will live forever.
(Spurious Oasis reference)


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
Sterling had, compared to his last game a fortnight ago at Wembley where he scored a hat trick, a disappointing game. Partly due to our defenders. The Manchester Evening News scored him 5.
He isn't and wasn't an "embarrassment".

His diving and moaning was

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