Not awoke
We are all funny in different ways I guess, some people don't always think that one is humerous, and another you'll get a whoosh moment
Can I have my tenner now
We are all funny in different ways I guess, some people don't always think that one is humerous, and another you'll get a whoosh moment
Can I have my tanner now
If you knew Enrest I can assure you he is not a bully, he can be a very naughty boy at times.
Corrected for you grandad
I can only take as I find. Being a naughty boy is one thing, but as 99% of us don't know one another, getting in touch with the old empathy gene from time to time is quite important. Calling me a red tory (or whatever it was) was not acceptable to me (in the context - in another I'm happy with it). And all this absurd corbynista parady nonsense does my head in. It woud be very handy to have a sensible labour party right now, and undermining it at every turn with dickwittery pisses me off.
And this thread is bullying, or at least is so carelessly constructed in pursuit of cheap laughs at someone's expense, it stinks.
I'm sure he loves his dear old mum, though, diamond geezer etc.
twenty now as you are being lippy
Thought u were supposed to be having an early night
Simmo always made out you were at least 50ish
I can only take as I find. Being a naughty boy is one thing, but as 99% of us don't know one another, getting in touch with the old empathy gene from time to time is quite important. Calling me a red tory (or whatever it was) was not acceptable to me (in the context - in another I'm happy with it). And all this absurd corbynista parady nonsense does my head in. It woud be very handy to have a sensible labour party right now, and undermining it at every turn with dickwittery pisses me off.
And this thread is bullying, or at least is so carelessly constructed in pursuit of cheap laughs at someone's expense, it stinks.
I'm sure he loves his dear old mum, though, diamond geezer etc.
Corbynista what a great word, must admit that does wind me up as well. This post is though is taking the piss out of what has assumedly happened. Cannot be arsed to look for original post but sure that was suggested.
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Not a biggie. Just about me deploring smeone with a lack of empathy. Or something.
One of my MATES from the Cliftonville 'TRICKY Trevor' got a job a couple of months AGO working in London issuing PARKING fines and as I'm regarded to be of the same INTELLIGANCE of Stephen HAWKINS I came up with a FAIL safe plan to FLEECE the GULLIBLE and stupid people of LONDON of which there is MANY.
Trevor sends me the ORIGINAL photo of some car parked up and then I PHOTO shop it to make look like another CAR and we send them a PCN notice from Parking ENFORCEMENT Notice issue SOUTH' and tell them to pay £50 as soon as possible to ENREST @ P.E.N.I.S or further action will be TAKEN.
This has been going SWIMMINGLY for WEAKS and the CLIFTONVILLE has been doing MASSIVE business as it's been TREBLES all round until yesterday when some NOB refused to pay and said it's some kind of SCAM and he is going to report it to MI5 and put it on a MASSIVE web site.
This is quite WORRYING as we have a MASSIVE WC party planned for Saturday and I promised a couple of STRIPPERS if England WIN and I was BANKING on this weeks PROCEEDS to FUND it.
Now has the GRAVY train hit the BUFFERS or am I going to be EXPOSED on WATCHDOG as being a SCAM artist
How am I going to get out of this and pay for the STRIPPERS on Saturday or will I have to DIG out my old CHIPPENDALE outfit out again and hope it FITS
[MENTION=1416]Ernest[/MENTION] is about as much a bully as the biggest WEED in Timidtown. One of the most mild mannered and generous souls
YOU weren't there the morning they tried to SERVE me a KWORN sausage, it took EIGHT people to HOLD me down. I was FUMING
YOU weren't there the morning they tried to SERVE me a KWORN sausage, it took EIGHT people to HOLD me down. I was FUMING
Someone has posted a really weird thread about a PCN fine. A fine they're not going to have to pay. They're not going to suffer at all, and the OP is just a funny piss-take of it. And you deplore the lack of empathy, while on another thread you mock the death of 3 men who have been killed by lions. 3 men who probably don't have much money and have resorted to dangerous crime, possibly to help feed their families.Not a biggie. Just about me deploring smeone with a lack of empathy. Or something.
Someone has posted a really weird thread about a PCN fine. A fine they're not going to have to pay. They're not going to suffer at all, and the OP is just a funny piss-take of it. And you deplore the lack of empathy, while on another thread you mock the death of 3 men who have been killed by lions. 3 men who probably don't have much money and have resorted to dangerous crime, possibly to help feed their families.
I too deplore their actions, but if you're going to take the piss out of their death, complaining that Ernest has a lack of empathy is extremely hypocritical.