Just been to Sainsburys West Hove - WTF !!!! Some shelves stripped almost empty. Rice, pasta, toilet rolls etc - nearly all gone. How stupid are people ? And that is a rhetorical question !
And before anyone asks - I just brought tonights dinner plus a pack of hot cross buns.
60% of transmission of virus transmission in South Korea is now community spread meaning the virus is endemic in that country. South Korea has performed over 100,000 tests, has text alerts to alert local populations of infected individuals and the places they visited, has a mask wearing and hygiene conscious culture and has an excellent health service. They are leading virtually all other countries on how they have attempted to handle this and yet are going under. Anyone who thinks the UK will handle this better is optimistic in my opinion.
As it stands at the moment this is a virus that is easily spread and causes significant health issues for a significant percentage of the population. It is likely that hospitals in this country will be overwhelmed.
In my opinion the authorities are (deliberately) under playing how serious this will be (and have been for some time). I hope I am wrong.
I reckon we could live for a month on what's in the fridge, freezers and larder easily.
The last couple of weeks may be a bit ready, steady cook (you have two strips of belly pork, some dried prunes, a can of tomato soup and half a pack of soft digestive biscuits). But still better than the most 60s school dinners![]()
So it’s you who walks up and down the urinals with a clipboard
So in a ludicrously over populated under resources selfish world we don’t want to see a pandemic that might reduce the burden on the planet? Erm, yes, I think we do.
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How ill-informed,
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More worried I won’t be able to get hold of any toilet paper, my local supermarkets completely sold out
Its no problem
1. Take random page out of newspaper
2. Pour some water on it. Not too much, it will break and make your asshole all papery, and not too little because you might cut your ass a bit.
3. Enjoy lifes free pleasures and then use the paper
Likewise but then we eat freezer left overs three times a week anyway. Just mass cook at weekends when the kids are here. I somewhat suspect it's those that can't cook that might suffer .... you know ....those that keep going out to cheap restaurants![]()
Strange thing is, an eminent Cambridge scientist on the radio tonight saying he is worried that the British public are not taking this seriously enough.
Bloody idiot, he should be listening to our NSC experts.
It’s the bloody flu FFS - “quote”
He also said that some people won’t take this seriously until a close friend or relative is impacted.
So I suppose I’ll note his comments whilst wondering how long some of us on here will be in denial that we might just have a smidgeon of a problem.
60% of transmission of virus transmission in South Korea is now community spread meaning the virus is endemic in that country. South Korea has performed over 100,000 tests, has text alerts to alert local populations of infected individuals and the places they visited, has a mask wearing and hygiene conscious culture and has an excellent health service. They are leading virtually all other countries on how they have attempted to handle this and yet are going under. Anyone who thinks the UK will handle this better is optimistic in my opinion.
As it stands at the moment this is a virus that is easily spread and causes significant health issues for a significant percentage of the population. It is likely that hospitals in this country will be overwhelmed.
In my opinion the authorities are (deliberately) under playing how serious this will be (and have been for some time). I hope I am wrong.
Just been to Sainsburys West Hove - WTF !!!! Some shelves stripped almost empty. Rice, pasta, toilet rolls etc - nearly all gone. How stupid are people ? And that is a rhetorical question !
And before anyone asks - I just brought tonights dinner plus a pack of hot cross buns.
The death rate for some who post on here is very high
At 3.4% official rate and then a combined 1 in 5 for those with health issues
So I just wish you would cut out the glib “I couldn’t give a toss because it won’t affect me apart from some investments” attitude
Totally accept that panic buying is crass stupidity, but the risks are there for some on this board
I don't want to get in a car with you then.
Yet in Korea there have been 5624 reported cases and only 34 deaths. Less than 1%. That is pretty encouraging to be honest. We are all just going to have to accept that this virus will become part of everyday life and viewed just like the flu. The sooner we do that the better.