I'm expecting Tier 4 for Sussex on 27th December. Followed by the whole country 2 days later.
Seen a couple of tweets suggesting it might be sooner than that (tomorrow).......sources not clear though
I'm expecting Tier 4 for Sussex on 27th December. Followed by the whole country 2 days later.
Boxing Day according to rumours I’ve seen.
Well I never who ever could have predicted that![]()
Scotland already going with Boxing Day, can see England might just follow
Seen a couple of tweets suggesting it might be sooner than that (tomorrow).......sources not clear though
So a whopping 24 days after the last lockdown, we’ll be in the new lockdown.
And still some people think they work!
We did quarantine people arriving from China.
We should have extended it.
Sounds like Boxing Day according to news reports this morning.
Only on Friday 18 December did the UK’s scientists conclude that the new variant had a moderately greater chance of being more transmissible than the original variant. Sauce: Every scientist who’ve spoken to the media to explain this throughout the day. A presentation by Dr Erik Volz of Imperial College on Friday also revealed the news.
The 4 governments then acted accordingly.
All 4 governments had eased Xmas laws/rules prior to that.
If Johnson failed by not having cancelled most of the Xmas easing of rules, despite not having the new information, then so did Drakeford, Sturgeon and the joint NI leadership.
How can they be excused in any shape or form, when they all share the same information?
Until they fully investigate the rumours that new variant effects children then it would be very risky to reopen them.Schools won’t open from the sounds of it.
Sounds like Boxing Day according to news reports this morning.
Hope so and send another message out not to mix indoors on the 25th unless absolutely required..
That's the thing, they had, no argument. But that was a Boris Johnson driven decision - It was not something that Drakeford, in particular, wanted to do as you will see from the fact it was immediately a diluted version of only 2 households then reduced to 1 day with country in lockdown from the 24th. The devolved governments were always under pressure once we knew that Johnson wanted to save Christmas and be the festive hero. Drakeford has not been perfect (His banning of golf continues to baffle me) but he's shown leadership and resolve that Johnson would not recognise.
You know, if we're comparing leaders, the striking thing from me is how serious Drakeford has been throughout - No jocularity, no fantastical promises, no tussled by design hair and a squiffy tie. Just factual serious messaging.
Aside from your inevitable churlish bitching about Johnson, how do you explain Wales being the CV19 capital of Europe? Far lower population north Wales doesn’t not balance out the shocking metrics in the towns and cities of south Wales. Drakeford’s serious tone and purported gravitas have done nothing to prevent the astonishing numbers.
Imho the 4 governments have faced one huge factor beyond their control .... Covidiots and Covid deniers doing exactly as they please, particularly post Lockdown 1. The mayor and a public official expert for Merthyr were interviewed on the radio recently. Through sampled track n trace working back from outbreaks, they established that illegal gatherings in homes had been THE key factor.