Just watching the latest press conference. Nick Hancock saying 1 in 3 people get no symptoms whatsoever. Yes, I get you can still pass it on to the vulnerable, but surely thats the same with all other cold/flu viruses.
I still think the hype of this is a bit over played, and the scary death tolls each day should be measured with how many people are expected to die without a covid positive test result within 28 days.
I'm not sure where you've been for the last nine months, but the fundamental issue is that Covid-19 has a case fatality rate of around 1.5%, and is significantly more transmissible than other cold / fly viruses. By contrast, the typical fatality rate of your average seasonal flu is around 0.1%, so in effect it's about 15x more deadly and easier to contract.
In terms of hype, the best way to measure the real impact versus how many people are expected to die anyway is by looking at 'excess deaths', ergo the number of deaths over and above that which would be expected in a normal year (heh, remember those?). This is what that looks like:

In April and May, when things were at their worst, almost twice as people were dying than normal. Keep in mind that the only reason this didn't get much, much worse was because of the incredible restrictions placed on society in order to quell transmission.
These are the reasons that Covid is such a serious problem. The world doesn't voluntarily commit economic suicide for 'hype'.