I very much fear that would be a tragic miscalculation.
I tend to agree with [MENTION=6886]Bozza[/MENTION] on most of this debate.
I really REALLY hope the T-cell immunity effect kicks in and we see a levelling off in cases sooner rather than later (a la Sweden). It may happen I think. But there is no certainty, and feels like a very big risk to rely on it happening, given the uncertain state of knowledge at the moment. I have zero doubt that the scientists are taking whatever evidence is available into account when weighing up their options and risk assessments.
The coronavirus symptom tracker app is now calculating 10,000+ new symptomatic cases every day. And they also say that is doubling every seven days (up until a few days ago). I tend to believe that data, more than any testing data at the moment. And those numbers WILL translate into some increase in hospitalizations and deaths in the coming weeks and months.
Personally, I would be surprised (but of course very pleased) if we weren't seeing 50-100 deaths a day by mid-October. Maybe earlier. We are locked in to some extent. The younger age groups getting infected, and better treatments will help reduce the numbers of serious cases compared to number of infections, but not eliminate them. And we don't yet know what the colder weather will do. There is, I'm afraid, some evidence (from the symptom tracker team) that cold weather may increase the severity of the disease. I am sure Whitty and Vallance know that is a possibility and are factoring it in. And, as has been mentioned above, the risk is that by the time things are bad enough that people can SEE what is happening it will be too late.
We can act now, in a relatively moderate way, while we are only locked in to a 'manageable' level of problems, and try and rein things in while we sort out a proper test and tracing system (FFS) or we can roll the dice and hope to god that one set of scientists (that we all prefer to listen to, but that doesn't mean they are definitely right) are right.
IF we get to many 100's of deaths a day again (and yes, I agree, we may not), then it will iimpact on business, and on the wider heath care system, whether we do another 'hard' lockdown or not. Reducing our social contacts for a while is definitely a better option than taking that risk in my view, but it seems a lot of people would rather roll the dice...
I agree with all of that - none of it is in dispute with what I have said.