AZ Gull
Guy on the right has nailed it.
John Terry never was the sharpest tool in the box.
Guy on the right has nailed it.
Wash your hands frequently, and don’t touch your eyes, mouth or nose.
It has an incubation period of up to 2 weeks before symptoms show and during that time is also highly contagious. The news showed returnees being ferried in busses to quarantine with drivers not wearing hazmat suits and stating they would self quarantine, this is madness.
You haven't watched this yet but this chap looks clued up in your opinion? You can give an opinion on something you haven't seen?
I don't think I need to sort my head out thank you especially from someone who can form an opinion on something they haven't even seen.
The quote from brighton bluenose in my signature has never been so right.
One view was that whilst the number of deaths is likely to be accurate, the number of actual cases is understated which would mean the mortality rate is closure to 1-2%.
One thing that was annoying them was the number of people who wouldn’t know one end of virus from another suddenly becoming experts on viruses and the end of the world!
This is a misconception. If you take 100 people infected and follow their progress you come up with a percentage, it doesn't matter how many are outside the group, just grab 100 of them and see how they get along.
One such group of 99 of which about half were at the Wuhan market, 11 have died. It is then a case of seeing how that number was distorted, in this case the average age of deaths was 55 and 2/3s male, the former can be a reason for the high figure.
Well as I posted above to your other comment, good medics they may be but poor statisticians they also are. Sampling biases and other issues are better delt with by mathmaticians than medics. I admit Ive learned more about viruses in the last week than in my life but I'm just looking at the maths.
This is a misconception. If you take 100 people infected and follow their progress you come up with a percentage, it doesn't matter how many are outside the group, just grab 100 of them and see how they get along.
One such group of 99 of which about half were at the Wuhan market, 11 have died. It is then a case of seeing how that number was distorted, in this case the average age of deaths was 55 and 2/3s male, the former can be a reason for the high figure.
Well as I posted above to your other comment, good medics they may be but poor statisticians they also are. Sampling biases and other issues are better delt with by mathmaticians than medics. I admit Ive learned more about viruses in the last week than in my life but I'm just looking at the maths.
The point that was being made is that deaths are recorded. China has a culture of hiding things and many will not admit to having had the virus. You can only report infections that are reported.
100 is a shit sampling size, I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole. It’s open to a whole multitude of errors and coincidences.
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Doctors & health workers wear masks to stop them passing on their germs by droplet infection. It does nothing to stop you catching anything. Wash your hands frequently, and don’t tough your eyes, mouth or nose.
The point that was being made that deaths are recorded. China has a culture of hiding things and many will not admit to having had the virus. You can only report infections that are reported.
100 is a shit sampling size, I would touch it with a barge pole. It’s open to a whole multitude of errors and coincidences.
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One such group of 99 of which about half were at the Wuhan market, 11 have died. It is then a case of seeing how that number was distorted, in this case the average age of deaths was 55 and 2/3s male, the former can be a reason for the high figure
Only used 100 for conveniance, Winnie the poo may hide stuff, as for academia if they didn't like it they would try to spike it.
As for the lies comment sounds like someone who doesn't understand statistics. your point is irelevant. Yea China may be hiding numbers but theres still 20,000 they have declared to work with.
There are not many variables in this model, sick live, sick dies, complications(which may be due to other factors like incompetence) and time.
You controll for time by following the disease in a group till its completion. If there are sampling biases they can be delt with in fresh samples.
As more people become infected in an area and the illness runs its course the fatality rate will rise in an asymptopic manner till its very close to the true number, hence the fatality rate in China is 2.1, in Hubewi its 3ish and in Wuhan its 4.9.
What you are alluding to is a type of "missing truth" fallacy favoured by anti-vaxxers. In that if their children are not vaccinated they wont show up in vaccine effectiveness samples, but the numbers will show up in death certificates.
Therefor rate of infection numbers are minimums, and the older infected areas will have numbers closer to the true R0.
so neeeeeeer lol.
Mrs Shingle and I came back from Beijing on Air China flight with coughing and spluttering Chinese passengers two weeks ago and for last five days I've had runny nose, headache etc, 99.9% sure its a common cold. Read the cdc thingy and they said coughing and fever were the main symptoms, which I havent got. Plus no one on the flight has, to my knowledge become ill, so not concerned.
For real?
From the NHS website...
Travellers returning from other parts of China
If you've returned from other areas of China (but not Hong Kong or Macao) in the last 14 days, and get a cough or fever, or you feel short of breath:
stay indoors and avoid contact with other people
call NHS 111 to tell them of your recent travel to China
None of those symptoms fortunately and only transited through Beijing en route from Myanmar. The only thing that concerned me was the coughing, wheezing Chinese passengers sitting behind me who had started their journey from God knows where in China.