Horses Arse
Well-known member
What a load of complete bollocks.
The Amex matchday is brilliant from start to finish.
All we need are home wins and all of this stupidly entitled whinging will be quickly sidelined again.
I wish
What a load of complete bollocks.
The Amex matchday is brilliant from start to finish.
All we need are home wins and all of this stupidly entitled whinging will be quickly sidelined again.
After all that we have been through, the Mullery years, Wembley, the war years and the arrival at The Amex, the Poyet years, the AMEPC (training ground to you and me) - I have lost the passion.
Where did it go wrong?
No it's not the big corporate animal itself that has ground me down, it's things like:
- The spin;
- The number of disaffected ex-employees and ex-suppliers, loyal individuals, who are highly critical of what's gone on over the last 4 years;
- The disconnect with players (no settled squad, too many money grabbing loan rubbish);
- The utter lack of passion on the pitch (barring a few heroic individuals like Calde and CMS - who sadly don't possess enough skill); and
- The very poor quality of play on the pitch.
Money can't buy everything of course - we are so very lucky to have The Amex and The AMEPC - which of course are the envy of most football clubs. But if I'd spent £30m on a new state-of-the-art training ground, I'd want a pretty quick return on my investment. To see set pieces of the quality we have had this season would make me weep.
No team has the right to be successful and win trophies or be in the top 10, but every team should be united and passionate.
I haven't looked forward or been excited by an Albion match for months (years?). I don't want to leave the ground early or miss a home match but my loyalty is being severely tested. The Board would do well to listen, read and understand what supporters are saying, instead of sugar coating everything. Yesterday I received an email pushing the Player of the Season Awards Night - really? That's up there with giving the 'pretendance'. Who are you kidding? In my view, it shouldn't be held. Yes invite sponsors to a dinner, fair enough - use it as a real debriefing session. But who (other than a couple of players) are worthy off receiving any kind of award?
Football (but not exclusively football) is about opinions. They'll be people who will totally disagree with me. Some will be constructive in their arguments, others will be abusive and refer back to 'the inner sanctum' rubbish. I derive absolutely no pleasure in seeing the Club (that we fought so hard to bring back from the brink) being disunited or underperforming. I have always thought that by being united we can (and indeed have) achieve - and clearly the Club agree with their 'Together in 2015/16' strap line. But we aren't a Club that's 'together' - things need to be fixed.
Will I go on Tuesday, if my youngest doesn't want to go - I won't go. I've got lots of other things to do. Will anyone care, of course not and there's no reason why anyone should. Except I daresay there may be many other supporters, who might just be thinking along similar lines - and that should be of concern to the Board.
Am sure in their own way BL and AM did have passion.
What a load of complete bollocks.
The Amex matchday is brilliant from start to finish.
All we need are home wins and all of this stupidly entitled whinging will be quickly sidelined again.
Agree totally, been supporting the Albion for 40 years and i have never felt less enthusiastic. Watching 5 loan players out there last night just about told the story.
The soul has been sucked out of the club since the amex opened,not bothered about players,style of play and all that,its irrelevant as the 45 years of following the Albion has seen some pretty poor football.With the only goal left is the premiership and to be honest i would rather watch div 1 footie than be the whipping boys for the top 6. Nothing left to play for game over cash beats football!![]()
Ungrateful? When someone like Henfield One feels like this, the club needs to be worried, he did so much in saving this great club in the past. How people forget so easily how hard some fought I find unbelievable.
I disagree, the ground, the crowds and matchday experience are top notch compared with The Goldstone, Priestfield and Withdean.
Unfortunately, particularly this season, most of the footballs been dire since the Palace play off defeat.
Correct. I distinctly remember threads being started about peoples' Albion Mojo returning after some of our good performances this year, such as the 2-0 against Leeds and the 3-2 against Ipswich, even though we had no realistic chance of even threatening the top half by then. Probably easy to find if you can be bothered to do a search.
By all means have the player of the season awards dinner. Give the award to NOBODY Then Hughton and Bloom can kick the players collectively up the a**e in public and explain what they're doing to ensure next season is much, much better.
I agree with all the sentiments by the OP, watching that pile of crap Best amble about can't be bothered to even try sums up last night. Barber has torn the soul of the Albion apart and no matter how much spin is put on it I'd rather still be at Withdean with everyone together punching above our weight than seeing this load of under achievers anymore
Bit of an ill-deserved kick in the teeth to True Spirit Of The Albion players like Calderon and Kayal tho eh? They deserve better than that. IMHO, like.
Sounds like you are moving to a new stage of supporting the Albion. You will always follow them, look out for the results, hope they do well and go every now and again or as you are local, maybe keep your season ticket. But its not the be all and end all. Welcome to this bright new world and let the over excited passion remain where it should be, the teenagers and 20 somethings.
Thought you'd be frothing at the bit to get your miserable view about everything on here.