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Liverpool to appeal Mascherano sending off !


New member
Jan 28, 2004
these premiership nobs eventually learn a lesson and start showing a bit of respect

Who are you trying to fool? Or do you not watch any football outside the Premier league? The same problem exists throughout English football. Literally from top to bottom. And the same old tired excuse "Well everyone takes their lead from the premiership" just doesn't wash anymore. It's about referee's, authorities and most importantly parents taking responsibility. It's long overdue.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
What the hell are you prattling on about? I've stated the current facts.. nothing else. I haven't at any stage tried to apologise for him you moron.

This thread accused Liverpool of appealing the sending off. They haven't. They've appealed the severity of the ban which when compared to other cases is overly harsh. Now it may well be that 3 games is a fair punishment. But this has not been the case in other incidents that have taken place so far. If it was a Brighton player this board would be in meltdown claiming unfair bias.

If this is the new way that players are going to be treated then fine. I'm sure the FA will explain this in the appeal hearing to both Mascherano and the club.

Hans - David Prutton actually shoved the referee and tried to attack the linesman in that game against Arsenal didn't he? And what Mascherano did was nearly as bad? Really?

Well if we're going to get personal, dickwad, the thrust of your argument seems to centre around the view that just because footballers havn't been harshly punished in the past like this for gobbing off at referees, that the FA are now being unfair in clobbering Mascharano for his prolongued hissy fit.

My view is that this kind of punishment has been LONG overdue, and the FA are fully justified in backing their referees and clamping down on this crap. Its been going on too long.

Just because a weak precedent has been set, doesn't mean it has to be followed ad-infinitum. Its called SETTING AN EXAMPLE and SENDING OUT A MESSAGE.

My view is that this kind of punishment has been LONG overdue, and the FA are fully justified in backing their referees and clamping down on this crap. Its been going on too long.

Just because a weak precedent has been set, doesn't mean it has to be followed ad-infinitum. Its called SETTING AN EXAMPLE and SENDING OUT A MESSAGE.

I know others have already said this, but Easy you are 100% correct. This kind of crackdown is needed; and it needs to start at the highest level. It won't necessarily mean that players in the lower leagues will follow this example, but it does mean that referees in these games are less likely to put up with flak from players.


New member
Jan 28, 2004
Well if we're going to get personal, dickwad

If you'd taken a second to read what I'd ACTUALLY posted there would have been no reason for me to call you a moron.

Absolutely loving "the thrust of your argument seems to centre around" :laugh:

I stated the current situation. It really was as simple as that. Anyway, we're actually agreeing aren't we?


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
Too far from the sun
From what I've seen of premier league football and lower league football, it's the prem that has the worst problem. I had to laugh when a few weeks back the FA talked about getting this sorted at grass roots level first - well if you tell a ref to f*** off in the Brighton league you'll be sent off (at least when I was playing afew years ago), no questions asked. Watch Sky and you can see prem players doing this all the time with not even a talking to - and it's been that way for quite a while.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2004
He pleaded guilty. Well, he'd have a job pleading anything else wouldn't he, being as the world and his wife saw the evidence on TV with their own two eyes. That was BIG of him. Fined two weeks wages ? Pfff, so thats about £40k skimmed off his £4,000,000 a year (plus bonuses). He probably loses £40k a month in change down the back of his Land of Leather recliner. Apologised ? So he bloody should

So because the FA have decided not to follow the old softly-softly tap-on-the-wrist precedent, and have actually (FINALLY) made a decision to start CRACKING DOWN on this behaviour, they're in the wrong are they ? Come on.

YOU might shrug your shoulders at the constant and systematic gobbing off at refs, but I've been utterly sick of it for yonks, and I'm not alone. Its only because of apologists like yourself that this crap has carried on for so long and totally eroded any respect the players have for the referee.

A crackdown like this is LONG overdue. Mascara is the GIMP who's taken the fall this time - lets hope its sent out the message that this shit is not going to be tolerated any more.

100% correct in every respect.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
If you'd taken a second to read what I'd ACTUALLY posted there would have been no reason for me to call you a moron.

Absolutely loving "the thrust of your argument seems to centre around" :laugh:

I stated the current situation. It really was as simple as that. Anyway, we're actually agreeing aren't we?

We all KNOW the current situation. It didn't really need clarifying. But you went on to state the facts as though they should justify a softer stance towards the guy. That may be Liverpools stance, but it certainly ain't mine. And if you're actually agreeing with me (and others on here), then why did you label these opinions as "childlike, embarrassing rants" ?

Cards on the table. Were the FA RIGHT or WRONG to hammer him with a 3 match ban ? There is no "fence" with this, if thats what you're looking for.


New member
Jan 28, 2004
We all KNOW the current situation


Read the bloody thread title man!!

'Liverpool to appeal Mascherano sending off'

This isn't true. They are not. He has pleaded guilty. He has been handed the maximum fine possible.

The initial post was then followed up by some posters lambasting Liverpool for their actions. Actions they hadn't committed.

I posted to explain that Liverpool are appealing the additional 2-game ban which following the guidelines the FA have used in the past with similar situations is harsh (Especially for a player pleading guilty).

If it was a Brighton player I would expect the club to do the same and I would also expect this board and the majority of Brighton supporters to be behind it. If you are going to try and argue that you'd still have the same attitude if it was an Albion player and that the good of the game is more important I would suggest you would be in the extreme minority.

As it stands the additional ban is not in keeping with what the FA have done in the past. If it was, Liverpool would not be appealing.

The point you are arguing (against who I don't know) is that the actual ban is fair for the crime committed. I'm not denying this which I thought was clear.. obviously not.

As I have stated previously.. If the FA explain to Liverpool that from now on these cases will always carry a harsher penalty then they can have no complaints and it will be for everyone to see if they carry out that promise.

I have no ability to explain it any clearer.

All the best.

DJ Leon

New member
Aug 30, 2003
Who are you trying to fool? Or do you not watch any football outside the Premier league? The same problem exists throughout English football. Literally from top to bottom. And the same old tired excuse "Well everyone takes their lead from the premiership" just doesn't wash anymore. It's about referee's, authorities and most importantly parents taking responsibility. It's long overdue.

Sorry, you're wrong. Are you an Albion fan? Do you go to games? Every Sunday I see Pemiership players on the TV telling referees to f*** off. EVERY Sunday. How many times have you seen that in League One? The Championship? Sorry, but it really doesn't happen that often and if it does it's almost always met with a booking. You think Ashley Cole would have stayed on the pitch if he'd been playing in the football league? On the dissent alone he would have been walking. Sadly, there is a palpable difference between the rules the Premiership prima donnas play by and the ones the football league do.

Oh and a three game ban is obviously justified. One for the sending off, two for refusing to leave the field of play. There is a clear precident. One example that comes to mind is Andy Cole failing to toddle off for Fulham a few years back. I'm sure there are more.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
The initial post was then followed up by some posters lambasting Liverpool for their actions. Actions they hadn't committed.

I posted to explain that Liverpool are appealing the additional 2-game ban which following the guidelines the FA have used in the past with similar situations is harsh (Especially for a player pleading guilty).


The point is, Liverpool appealing against the additional 2 match ban effectively means they are ENDORSING mascharano's reaction to being sent off. By appealing, they are saying he did nothing wrong compared to anyone else and therefore doesn't deserve the additional ban. You appear to be in the Liverpool camp in believing that the decision to give an additional ban was indeed overly harsh, citing the fact that he pleaded guilty as some kind of justification.

I, however, completely disagree with you. The additional ban is totally justifiable and should be applauded, not questioned.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
If it was a Brighton player I would expect the club to do the same and I would also expect this board and the majority of Brighton supporters to be behind it.

And while we're on - no actually, I WOULDN'T want the Albion to appeal that type of decision. If any Albion player acted like a complete and utter NOBBER to the ref for the duration of the game, and then went spacko at a 2nd yellow for being a nobber, I'd hope and expect him to take his medicine, learn from it, and hopefully dissuade his team-mates from doing the same in future.

Next season, my 12 year old has his first ever season ticket at Withers. I don't want him emulating the kind of shit we saw from mascarano when he plays for his Saturday morning team and justifying it by saying "well, Forster (or whoever) does it..."


New member
Jan 28, 2004
Fair enough Mr 10.

They fine him the maximum they can, he pleads guilty yet they are endorsing his behaviour? They're simply calling for his punishment to be brought into line with previous decisions. But I must have said this in each post I've made so I think we'll just have to leave it be.

Lets hope that every player who fails to leave the field and continues to question the referee after being sent off is treated the same. It would certainly improve behaviour. An automatic three game ban from now on would bring clarity.

Leon -
Sorry, you're wrong. Are you an Albion fan? Do you go to games? Every Sunday I see Pemiership players on the TV telling referees to f*** off. EVERY Sunday. How many times have you seen that in League One? The Championship? Sorry, but it really doesn't happen that often and if it does it's almost always met with a booking. You think Ashley Cole would have stayed on the pitch if he'd been playing in the football league? On the dissent alone he would have been walking. Sadly, there is a palpable difference between the rules the Premiership prima donnas play by and the ones the football league do.

Is your post not a slight contradiction? I'm guessing you watch one live League One game every two weeks (Once a week if you go away) and you're comparing that to the Premier League where every single match has extended highlights, 25 cameras zooming in and each and every decision/contentious moment debated for weeks on end. With all due respect you need to pull your head out of the sand.

I've watched Saturday night live Championship action all season and the players language towards the ref is an absolute disgrace just as it is in the Premier League. You get to see it because there is a camera stuck right in their face. Are you honestly trying to say that it's different in leagues one and two? You can't/don't see it so it doesn't exsist? To say it doesn't happen that often under the Premier league level (Unless you're in a job that studies complete video footage of each and every game) is plain crazy. Two Worthing players should have been sent off for mouth on Saturday but were allowed to continually slag the referee until he eventually booked the pair of them. That's Rymans league!

England has a problem full stop. To say it's far worse in the Premiership is rubbish. You get to see it close up in the Premiership because it's stuffed in your face each week. It's also far more galling to see multi-millionaires get away with disgusting behaviour like that.

Ashley Cole should have been sent off. I doubt you'll find anyone who'll disagree. But how do you know what goes on up and down the country each Saturday? Who gets away with what? Who says what to what ref?

And as for a "clear precident" if it was that clear why would we be debating it? Why would Liverpool be appealing on the grounds of previous other convictions? You know full well players fail to leave the field quickly week in week out at every level. The Watford lad a couple of weeks back for instance. He got a single game ban. A clear precident is exactly what they need.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
Fair enough Mr 10.

They fine him the maximum they can, he pleads guilty yet they are endorsing his behaviour? They're simply calling for his punishment to be brought into line with previous decisions. But I must have said this in each post I've made so I think we'll just have to leave it be.

Lets hope that every player who fails to leave the field and continues to question the referee after being sent off is treated the same. It would certainly improve behaviour. An automatic three game ban from now on would bring clarity.

Amen to that.
Previous decisions have been too lenient for too long. A ref has finally made a stand on this, and the FA have backed him to the hilt. Its not often I applaude the FA, but on this occasion, I think they've got it absolutely bang on. The fact that Liverpool see fit to appeal against this tells you all you need to know about the state of the game these days, they should be ashamed.

DJ Leon

New member
Aug 30, 2003
Fair enough Mr 10.

They fine him the maximum they can, he pleads guilty yet they are endorsing his behaviour? They're simply calling for his punishment to be brought into line with previous decisions. But I must have said this in each post I've made so I think we'll just have to leave it be.

Lets hope that every player who fails to leave the field and continues to question the referee after being sent off is treated the same. It would certainly improve behaviour. An automatic three game ban from now on would bring clarity.

Leon -

Is your post not a slight contradiction? I'm guessing you watch one live League One game every two weeks (Once a week if you go away) and you're comparing that to the Premier League where every single match has extended highlights, 25 cameras zooming in and each and every decision/contentious moment debated for weeks on end. With all due respect you need to pull your head out of the sand.

I've watched Saturday night live Championship action all season and the players language towards the ref is an absolute disgrace just as it is in the Premier League. You get to see it because there is a camera stuck right in their face. Are you honestly trying to say that it's different in leagues one and two? You can't/don't see it so it doesn't exsist? To say it doesn't happen that often under the Premier league level (Unless you're in a job that studies complete video footage of each and every game) is plain crazy. Two Worthing players should have been sent off for mouth on Saturday but were allowed to continually slag the referee until he eventually booked the pair of them. That's Rymans league!

England has a problem full stop. To say it's far worse in the Premiership is rubbish. You get to see it close up in the Premiership because it's stuffed in your face each week. It's also far more galling to see multi-millionaires get away with disgusting behaviour like that.

Ashley Cole should have been sent off. I doubt you'll find anyone who'll disagree. But how do you know what goes on up and down the country each Saturday? Who gets away with what? Who says what to what ref?

And as for a "clear precident" if it was that clear why would we be debating it? Why would Liverpool be appealing on the grounds of previous other convictions? You know full well players fail to leave the field quickly week in week out at every level. The Watford lad a couple of weeks back for instance. He got a single game ban. A clear precident is exactly what they need.

I go to Withdean mate, I can hear every word that's said by the players :lolol: And yes they moan - Forster is a big moaner, but out and out abuse I rarely hear/see anything.

And yes I do believe it's very different in the Premiership. I agree we see more of it because of the coverage, but no I have not often seen players tell officials to f*** off on a regular basis AND get away with it anywhere else but the premier league.

I agree that bad behaviour is widespread, but I believe it's worse in our top tier of football.


New member
Jan 28, 2004
Ashamed of what? Wanting to be treated like others previously? Do you honestly think you're looking at this situation fairly? Can you not understand their point at all?

And while we're on - no actually, I WOULDN'T want the Albion to appeal that type of decision.

So a Palace player gets sent off for a similar offence a few weeks previously/later and receives a one match ban whilst a Brighton player gets hit with a three game ban.. And you'd be ok? Even though both players have been treated differently? What do you think the reaction on here would be? You WOULDN'T want the Albion to appeal? I'd guess you'd be in the vast, vast minority.

Both players DESERVE a three game.. but only the Brighton player gets hit with it.

I don't know you so I can only take you at face value. I respect what you've said with regards to your son but you're simply not looking at this situation realistically.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Ashamed of what? Wanting to be treated like others previously? Do you honestly think you're looking at this situation fairly? Can you not understand their point at all?

So a Palace player gets sent off for a similar offence a few weeks previously/later and receives a one match ban whilst a Brighton player gets hit with a three game ban.. And you'd be ok? Even though both players have been treated differently? What do you think the reaction on here would be? You WOULDN'T want the Albion to appeal? I'd guess you'd be in the vast, vast minority.

Both players DESERVE a three game.. but only the Brighton player gets hit with it.

I don't know you so I can only take you at face value. I respect what you've said with regards to your son but you're simply not looking at this situation realistically.

I think he is to be honest and I totally agree with him 100%. Just like life other people get away with some things, others get caught.

There was always going to be one very public "made an example of.." situation and he got it.
Last edited:

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
Ashamed of what? Wanting to be treated like others previously? Do you honestly think you're looking at this situation fairly? Can you not understand their point at all?

So a Palace player gets sent off for a similar offence a few weeks previously/later and receives a one match ban whilst a Brighton player gets hit with a three game ban.. And you'd be ok? Even though both players have been treated differently? What do you think the reaction on here would be? You WOULDN'T want the Albion to appeal? I'd guess you'd be in the vast, vast minority.

Both players DESERVE a three game.. but only the Brighton player gets hit with it.

I don't know you so I can only take you at face value. I respect what you've said with regards to your son but you're simply not looking at this situation realistically.

The current climate in the game, the common perception, is that the abuse of referee's is on an upward curve. Its getting out of control. The Ashley Cole incident a couple of weeks back brought it sharply into focus, so everyone is AWARE that its a hot topic right now. And as a result, its not unreasonable to expect managers to warn their players that this is high on the agenda and is more likely to be punished as its a "hot topic". If players STILL carry on dishing abuse and fall foul of it, then more fool them.

I'm not really interested in tit-for-tat "this player got sent off / banned for this yet that player only got that" type stuff (whether it be Palace, Albion or whatever). It goes beyond that. I want to see a code of decency implemented where players know damn well that if they're gobbing off, being abusive, then there's a good chance of a substantial ban. If we need some "unfair" bans being thrown around then so be it. The threat of it needs to be there.

Brian Clough would not stand for his players being booked or sent off for dissent. If they did, then by christ he'd make sure they were hammered for it above and beyond whatever the authorities dished out. THATS the kind of thinking we need in the game. People taking responsibilty for their actions. Barnet have already implemented their own code regarding cards for dissent, with players getting heavily fined and / or dropped, and whaddya know, they've now got one of the best disciplinary records in the division.

Its not GOOD enough to say "its not fair" any more. You cross the line, you run the gauntlet. Thats got to be the thinking.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
I'm not really interested in tit-for-tat "this player got sent off / banned for this yet that player only got that" type stuff (whether it be Palace, Albion or whatever).

And isn't that just the type of complete rubbish you get from armchair premiership fans. Drunk on after match comment and slow motion relays.

Nothing worse than that on a Monday morning - I often wonder whether they are actually talking about the game or what the pundits said afterwards.

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