Hampster Gull
Well-known member
- Dec 22, 2010
- 13,465
Spurs getting off lightly
Well, he sued them (or rather Virgin Care did), so yes! Unlikely scenario such that it is, imagine the response if a footballer did similar.....
Just out of interest - do you think the NHS should be able to run their procurement processes however they like without any recourse? The NHS chose to pay compensation to VirginCare rather than re-run the tender process again which is what VirginCare asked for.
I've heard of similar 'murky' tender processes within the NHS which if you challenge you basically get told if you ever want to run NHS business again you should step down. This has even involved non-compliant bids winning because they were cheap!
Not really 100 percent accurate - I’m no fan of RB - but I believe the NHS refusing to review the process was the issue
Back to Liverpool: I've seen various sources suggesting that the wage bill of the staff Liverpool intend to furlough for the next three months is likely to be around £1m.
ONE MILLION POUNDS. For a club who made £42m profit last year. A club who won riches from the Champions League. A club who have a number of individual players on the books who earn that amount every three weeks. A club who disingenuously announced in the media release revealing this scheme that "all staff will receive 100% of their salary", leading plenty of their more dimwitted fans to believe Liverpool would be the ones paying that, when in fact their club's generosity extends to paying a mere 20% of that. A club who bang on tediously about never walking alone, which, it turns out, simply means that they think 65 million UK taxpayers should be walking with them. A club whose nauseating tagline has, for a couple of years, been "This Means More". The "more", presumably being "money from everyone else's pockets to pay our staff".
I accept things have gone globally tits up. I accept that times are hard and going to get harder. But for a football club of their stature to decide, in the first MONTH of this catastrophe, that they can't even be arsed to pay Jurgen Klopp's office cleaner his/her (no doubt minimum) wage for three months...well it sticks in my throat. Surely they could have found a million quid somewhere to say "look, we'll keep everyone on for now and review it at the end of June"?
If I had previously harboured any hopes of this season resuming, it's all gone now. I hope they void the bloody thing and leave them to chirp on forever, Chesterfield-style, about how they were "the real Champions" while everyone else just yawns and points to the history books that show this season never finished. I hope the next time they sign a player for ninety million quid and three hundred grand a week they receive all the vitriol they deserve.
Highly paid players that are still being paid full wages not limited to 2500 despite not working. If clubs can afford to pay players they can pay non-players.I would imagine there are loads of big wealthy companies using this furlough option- not just football clubs- I guess these clubs are just more in the public eye and have highly paid players.
My experience of furloughing is drastically hammering the top and middle earners while us drones are left to carry on regardless.I would imagine there are loads of big wealthy companies using this furlough option- not just football clubs- I guess these clubs are just more in the public eye and have highly paid players.
So the players accept to take a 30 percent cut, who benefits?
It’s the owners .
Spurs getting off lightly
Highly paid players that are still being paid full wages not limited to 2500 despite not working. If clubs can afford to pay players they can pay non-players.
I know little about the case - I'm really just making a point about how footballers are perceived vs others. Sure, 100k signed a petition about Branson but it blew over......
All that shows is 120k people were right.120k people voted for boaty mcboatface lol
We are not a country take seriously when it comes to petitions![]()
All that shows is 120k people were right.
Perhaps so. But LFC have set themselves up as THE community club, the one that cares. Their current mantra has been ‘this means more’, perhaps it should be changed to ‘above criticism’.
You make a good point, it did make me think about how the likes of multi billionaire Richard Branson made use of the furlough scheme within (what felt like minutes) of it being announced (it was like he had prior notice....) and is now courting the government for a bailout for his airline. Yet, appear to escape the wrath of the public. Footballers, wealthy & privileged that they are, do appear to be an easy target.....
You make a good point, it did make me think about how the likes of multi billionaire Richard Branson made use of the furlough scheme within (what felt like minutes) of it being announced (it was like he had prior notice....) and is now courting the government for a bailout for his airline. Yet, appear to escape the wrath of the public. Footballers, wealthy & privileged that they are, do appear to be an easy target.....
Branson is putting in $250 million to help to the Virgin Group which includes the airlines and the new cruise venture.
I understand the UK gov had insisted that airlines go down the private investment route first before getting any bailout.
Info here: https://www.breakingtravelnews.com/news/article/branson-invests-us250m-to-sustain-virgin-group/
Perhaps so. But LFC have set themselves up as THE community club, the one that cares. Their current mantra has been ‘this means more’, perhaps it should be changed to ‘above criticism’.