I agree about the freedom of speech. Surely if he'd received say 30 complaints then his account should be suspended until they review it. It took ages for them to close him down and that can't be right.
Try going onto twitter and typing to various celebs or other people "news.bbc.co.uk best www page there is. please RT". Send this to say 35 people and you'll be suspended somewhere between the 20th and 35th time I reckon. So don't understand why they can't do something that says xyz complaints and you're suspended. If it's freedom of speech issue, they'll just unsuspend the account again.
Yeah I understand your point, but I think that's too easy to abuse. You could get some of your mates to all report one person to get them suspended for no reason. Just too open for abuse. There needs to be better control, though.
Joey Barton has actually made some good points about this today, suggesting that getting the police involved was ridiculous because this kid would clearly never kill someone, and for the police to search through his [Barton's] timeline and arrest everyone threatening to kill him [Barton].
I'm sure Barton gets a lot of death threats and various other malicious messages.