Like it or loathe it, it's where employers look for talent, I've lost 2 guys to Uber in the last few weeks based on their Linkedin profile, foolish to ignore it.
Uber the car app?
Agree, seems to be the way to get a new job these days
Like it or loathe it, it's where employers look for talent, I've lost 2 guys to Uber in the last few weeks based on their Linkedin profile, foolish to ignore it.
Is everyone always looking for another job? I'm certainly not.
No, but you never know when you will be....Is everyone always looking for another job? I'm certainly not.
Yep, they're in Phoenix though.... Its definitely not a bad idea to have your profile updatedUber the car app?
Agree, seems to be the way to get a new job these days
Not everyone, however circumstances may dictate you have to.
I might be in that boat towards the end of next year.
No, but you never know when you will be....
If you are actively looking for a job I can see linked in would be useful but I'm not and I had recruitment consultants emailing my work email address and calling me on my work mobile. Perhaps your profile should say if you are open to offers or not.
As I said I just cancelled it as I had had enough of unsolicited approaches.
OK, so from what I gather the best way to use it is to have a complete profile, and link to a lot of people so that I get approached by recruiters?
its just a tool used by recruiters to bombard you with shit jobs - it makes it too easy for them, they can just search for people who have endorsed skills or search by job industry
its just a tool used by recruiters to bombard you with shit jobs - it makes it too easy for them, they can just search for people who have endorsed skills or search by job industry
Is everyone always looking for another job? I'm certainly not.
You don't need to link to a lot of people to get approached - they use keywords in your profile to match what they are looking for
If you can filter out the bullshit then it can be useful, much like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
It really isn't just that.
As for unsolicited approaches, firstly you can use your personal email address as point of contact, or you can have no email address visible. Likewise phone numbers.