Virgo's Haircut
Resident Train Guru
Is it my imagination or are all the "Green" wards such as Hanover, Queens Park and St Peters full of lefty student types, who are all tree hugging morons?
cannedheat said:We had raging inflation under Labour prior to Thatcher, they tried everything to control it and failed, the tories pushed interest rates into double figures to control it and it worked and many now reap the benefits of it, fake Labour will do the same if they have to.
Gordon Brown will be a major factor in the Conservatives winning the next Election,as a conservative I hope he gets the job when Blair fucks off to live in luxury.
Dave the Gaffer said:With all due respect f*** RIGHT OFF
I will vote for whoever I feel will be best in the job. I happen to think Steve harmer-Strange will do so , he is a conservative and also a very strong Albion Fan, 100% for Falmer and probably supporting the club a damn site longer than you have.
So stick that in your pipe.
The Large One said:Yes, it's your imagination.
They're actually all arty-farty bearded beatnik rejects from the 1960s who eat trees rather than hug them.
Tubthumper said:Let's not forget the tory increase in VAT, undertaken to pay for the reduction in the upper tax bracket i.e. an increase in the lower tax bracket in all but name.
ROSM said:I haven't met or heard of Steve Harmer-Strange. Pro falmer and 100% albion he maybe, but he must be a rare breed of potential politician not to have tried to support the club's battle for falmer (whilst getting some kudos for himself).
I have a feeling that we will be needing Steve to silence the (at least) 5 conservative councillors who really dont like us!
Southover Street Seagull said:No being Tory means privatisation and selling off the countries state owned companies for short term tax gains.
How wonderful the railways are since they were privatised.
I am an old Labour supporter and have worked since I was 17.
I am a lefty yet I don't sit around acting pious and taxes don't support me.
And do you really think you get job security and nice pensions now if you work for the government. Read the news and see how many civil servants have been on strike recently, I wonder what that was for?
Hatterlovesbrighton said:The reason the civil service went on strike is because they are controlled by a left wing leadership.
bigc said:civil service...left wing?
NEVER!!!! What would Sir Humphrey say to you.
Anyway, they are neutral remember?
Hatterlovesbrighton said:The reason the civil service went on strike is because they are controlled by a left wing leadership.
Yorkie said:Not many people in my branch of the civil service actually belong to PCS.
Dandyman said:Fair nuff but does 2% sound like a fair offer to you ?