I take more offence to this tweet tbh. It's a good ad.
This was one of her responses:
Despite the alt right trolls, the vote is swinging. Brexit will be shown to be the biggest threat to our future. You all know it, even if you don't want to admit it. Open the borders, welcome all, say YES to friendship and freedom of movement.
I really worry about some people.
Its far from inflammatory as I think you'd like to suggest.
I'm sure you can work out her intent without me signposting it and it didn't work for reasons I suspect you can fathom.
I was being lazy. It stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Intersex Asexual Pansexual (or Polyamorous/Polygamous) Kinky.
This explains it: http://www.mtv.co.uk/pride/news/lgbtq-acronym-guide but I don't get the distinction between bisexual and pansexual. I'm also lost on why asexual, polyamorous and kinky are included with the gender terms. And what would an asexual activist be campaigning for?
Hmm...not sure after learning all that, that it's really helping make people take gender issues seriously.
Pan sexual is wanting to have sex with a frying pan.
So what you are saying is, 'the majority of people who were asked for their opinion hijacked a poll'. Democracy is far from safe if the left actually believe that is true.
I really worry about you.
Probably eaten her cats !Many.
You're being deliberately obtuse clearly.
Democracy has nothing to do with social media and social media will never be a democratic medium.
The views we hold and the views we express determine our social media audience. Bots aside the average twitter poster (for example) follows people whose views interest them and with whom they (tend to) widely agree. Their followers are generally similarly constituted. This means they will largely see things with which they agree, at least broadly, and will tend to have their views reinforced.
When someone with an opposing viewpoint intercedes it opens up the "argument" to others with an opposing view. It is a geometric rather than a mathematical progression. Hence the original expressed viewpoint can be rapidly swamped. Anything but democratic.
It is how Cambridge Analytics operates. It is how Russian Bots operate. It isn't democracy. It is bullying through technology.