I love to hear this. 100% honesty and very high expectations with zero tolerance of any kind of passenger - if you’re not pulling your weight you can **** off. Very likely to have a positive impact on the players - in any decent team environment they absolutely hate anyone not giving 100% and getting away with it.De Zerbi said: “I want players that work for the team on the pitch. Leandro knows very well my opinion, my idea. I spoke a lot of time with him…I like him as a player but I want more from him because he can play better and can work harder and can run more on the pitch. I want a player who gives 100 per cent in every training session and game. Without this characteristic you cannot play with me.”
Fascinated to understand what’s going on in Trossard’s psyche though — whether it’s personal issues, simply wanting a big payday, some WC hangover or simply short of the required mentality