I’ve had an HP stream for about eight years now. It’s storage / memory has finally packed up, making it impossible to do anything on it including updates. I’m having to disc clean it every time I switch it on now. So it’s for the bin.
My requirements are simple.
I use a laptop for three purposes and that’s it.
Streaming films/TV,
and the occasional word document.
I don’t store photos or videos, I don’t use social media, I don’t game, I’ve no energy for onanism. So that’s it, just those three things.
It has to be cheap. I mean dead cheap. £100-£150 ideally.
Don’t mimd where it’s from.
Don’t mind second hand.
Should I go chrome book? I’ve heard good things for simpletons like me.
What say you NSC?
Thanks in advance.
My requirements are simple.
I use a laptop for three purposes and that’s it.
Streaming films/TV,
and the occasional word document.
I don’t store photos or videos, I don’t use social media, I don’t game, I’ve no energy for onanism. So that’s it, just those three things.
It has to be cheap. I mean dead cheap. £100-£150 ideally.
Don’t mimd where it’s from.
Don’t mind second hand.
Should I go chrome book? I’ve heard good things for simpletons like me.
What say you NSC?
Thanks in advance.