I agree with you Harry about Cameron. He walked away when he didn't get the result he wanted. Sorry Harry I just can't vote for labour anymore no matter who's running them. Like you, I don't like corbyn either.
Would you vote for him? Genuine question.
No. From day one as leader he had a chance to anticipate and deal with all the flack he'd get over tea and biscuits with the Brighton bombers, repeatedly voting against his own party, accepting any invitation to schmooze with muslims regardless of whether they were liberal or jihadi sympathizers while making no attmpt to be even handed with jews, and for his old unilatralism. However, instead he spent most of his time invisible while his momentous fan club went about purging the party of social democrats (a work in progress). He seemed surprisd to find his own party is institutionally racist when it comes to jews/Israel. I knew. We all knew! He still hasn't dealt with Ken Leninspart. He has offered no leadership over Brexit, and now he is allowing Confernce to decide the Brxit policy having said basically that 'Brexit means Brexit'. No.
Actually the only reason I might vote labour is if it came to a fight between Corbyn and Boris. Corbyn may be a deluded idiot with no idea, but he isn't self-serving and utterly without principle like Boris. Thre is no limit to the depths of human depravity Boris would delve for prsonal gain. Corbyn is an idiot but he's not evil. If I thought my vote for labour might help keep Boris out I would likly vote labour. But my constituency is likely to be a battle between blue and orange, in which case I'd vote orange (Liberal).
Ironically we now have two honorouble parties, one led by clown and the other by a speak-your-wight machine (at risk of a blond psycho takeover), and a smaller idiotic party obsessd with cannabis, cycling and recycling lead by an honourable gent. What a state of affairs.