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labour only 2 points behind in polls

i will vote

  • con

    Votes: 56 28.0%
  • lab

    Votes: 75 37.5%
  • lib

    Votes: 19 9.5%
  • green

    Votes: 22 11.0%
  • bnp

    Votes: 12 6.0%
  • nat party

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • ukip

    Votes: 4 2.0%
  • monster raving

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • i hate gingers

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • will not vote

    Votes: 7 3.5%

  • Total voters


The King's Gull
Apr 16, 2009
Inside Southwick Tunnel
Wow, Politics are weird

Conservatives went from a dead cert win to an uncertain hold in popularity. And Labour went from an unpopular bunch of gits to a party with a considerable good chance of winning.

I'll take this all in mind next election when its my turn to vote.

Coca-Cola Kid

New member
Feb 9, 2010
f***, looks like hung parliament looks more and more likely :US:


English & European
Support for the Tories is wobbling at the moment because - as the election draws nearer - more and more people are questioning whether or not they can be trusted. Elections are not fought on POLICIES. They are fought on TRUST.

And I wouldn't trust David Cameron as far as I could throw him. The amount of times I've heard him say one thing only to change it all a few weeks later is staggering.


Well-known member
May 25, 2007
f***, looks like hung parliament looks more and more likely :US:

Happy for this if the Lib Dems insisted on Vince Cable as being made Chancellor as condition for their support of either bunch of clowns, some real reform of our wonderful financial sector, also taxation reform.......


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
Wow, Politics are weird

no polling is wierd. problem is people tend to answer the polling questions in relation to what they read in the past few days. they are notoriously unreliable as indicators of how people will actually vote come polling day - see Labour defeat 1992. when the final analysis comes, people look back over the previous years and weigh up their options.

Happy for this if the Lib Dems insisted on Vince Cable as being made Chancellor

dont fall for that, he talks a good talk but he sounds to me like any other learned professor/pundit on the economy, he can say what he likes as as he wont have to follow it through.
Last edited:

pork pie

New member
Dec 27, 2008
Pork pie land.
Happy for this if the Lib Dems insisted on Vince Cable as being made Chancellor as condition for their support of either bunch of clowns, some real reform of our wonderful financial sector, also taxation reform.......

That would be a f***ing disaster of the first order. Gay Lib's policies on tax and spend are more lft wing than the Labour Party's!


Well-known member
May 25, 2007
no polling is wierd. problem is people tend to answer the polling questions in relation to what they read in the past few days. they are notoriously unreliable as indicators of how people will actually vote come polling day - see Labour defeat 1992. when the final analysis comes, people look back over the previous years and weigh up their options.

dont fall for that, he talks a good talk but he sounds to me like any other learned professor/pundit on the economy, he can say what he likes as as he wont have to follow it through.

Isn't a learned professor though is he? He actually worked for Barclays so unlike the other pair has some insight of what these twats (sorry I mean our esteemed Financial Sector) were up to - agree that doesnt mean he neccesarily know how to put things right:shrug:

Coca-Cola Kid

New member
Feb 9, 2010
Happy for this if the Lib Dems insisted on Vince Cable as being made Chancellor as condition for their support of either bunch of clowns, some real reform of our wonderful financial sector, also taxation reform.......

Lib Dems are more left-wing than Labour at the moment, overall. We can not have a hung parliament in my honest opinion, nothing will happen IMHO. No legislations will be passed, but if there is any, no party will be fully happy with what they have. This could be, yet another, bad era of British politics...

Goldstone Rapper

Rediffusion PlayerofYear
Jan 19, 2009
Lib Dems are more left-wing than Labour at the moment, overall. We can not have a hung parliament in my honest opinion, nothing will happen IMHO. No legislations will be passed, but if there is any, no party will be fully happy with what they have. This could be, yet another, bad era of British politics...

Not necessarily true. Legislation would continue to be passed under a hung parliament, just as they are in other countries that have hung parliaments. What it would definitely mean is that bills would be drawn and scrutinised more carefully; and divisive, ideologically driven bills would not be introduced, because the Cabinet could not rely on a whacking great majority in the Commons to see them through.

Cheeky Chappie

New member
Sep 27, 2007
I'm to the right but Mr Cameron doesn't fill me with enthusiasm.
Having said that another five years of 'Nu Labour' will just about finish the UK off.


Jul 7, 2003
so what is the latest on nsc

The latest is why do people take your bullshit for granted?

The grauniad says 2 % so it must be true.:lolol::lolol:

But wait, the gaurdians own pollsters say 7 %.
State of the parties in the Opinion Polls | UK Political Info

Gaurdian journalists cant count.:lolol:

It gets murkier, as theyve changed the system used to allow for dailey polling,

"The pollster has gone through massive system changes in recent weeks to prepare for this daily polling and I wonder whether some of the dramatic change might have something to do with that.

One factor, highlighted here by Flockers on Friday, is that the views of people with Labour ID’s are having to be scaled up by quite a degree in order to meet the “quota” for each poll. This is something that they have not had to do in the past to the same extent and you just wonder why that is happening now. "

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Ive yet to see any BNP impact analysis similar to the UKIP one for the tories that cost them 20 seats in 97.

Guy Fawkes

The voice of treason
Sep 29, 2007
Has to be Labour. They have done a great job all things considering

We have the best health service in the world and in the current worldwide recession we are much better off than most

Keep it up

Really - That would be news to the rest of the worlds economies, seeing as only a couple of months ago Spain and the UK were the only major economies still in recession.

National debt over £880 000 000 000 or approximately 60 % of GDP

National Debt - how the UK owes more than £840 billion
It's a truly frightening figure. Why is the world's 6th richest country so deeply in debt?

Every year the UK runs a large budget deficit. The Government spends more money than it can tax, so we plug the gap by selling bonds to investors at home and abroad. These bonds - known as gilts - have to be repaid in full, with interest. Added together, our unpaid loans make up the UK's national debt.

Right now, that debt is growing violently. The Government forecasts it will soar to an eye-watering £1.1 trillion by 2011. To put that in perspective, the UK went bust in 1976 running a budget deficit of 6% of GDP. In 2009 that deficit is going to top 12%.

Historically, our debt burden was heavier after World War II. But like any loan, if the money isn't invested wisely we end up borrowing even more. When the Government runs up huge debts and produces nothing to show for it, we're the ones that shoulder the burden. In 2009 that burden will grow by £241.6 billion.
The state has been wasting our money for decades. Weak politicians have bribed voters with endless amounts of borrowed cash. As a result, by 2010 the interest on the national debt will cost £42.9 billion a year. That's more than we spend on defence, and not much less than the entire education budget.Future generations won't thank us for mortgaging their future. At best, national debt will be a millstone round our children's necks. But if lenders lose faith in Britain there could be profound consequences for our currency, our country and our lives.

If thats doing a good job, what sort of future has this country got?? and how much more will we end up owing if Labour continue there current spend without consequence policies??


Aug 21, 2005
Crap Town
It looks neck and neck at the moment , in Scotland the SNP vote has collapsed and if this is reflected on polling day Labour will retain a dozen or more seats they were expected to lose to the Nationalists. I think it will come down to a handful of seats around the country which will swing it to Labour overall or the Conservatives with a hung government.

The Wizard

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
Monumental f*** up by the tories if they don't win with the opportunity they have had.

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
Did anyone see that slippery twat George "oik" Osbourne on Andrew Marr this morn?

I can't think when I last saw such a revolting display of issue avioidance as that.

Quite simply people have finally realised that, whatever we might think of Brown, the Tories have utterly failed to capitalise on the biggest disaster in financial history. Why? because everyone with any sense has realised that Dave and his gang of Public Schoolboys would have f***ed us over even more if they had been at the helm and, unfortunately for them, most people blame rampant capitalism for the mess we are collectively in and the Tories are, have been and always will be the party of Bankers, privelege and, er, rampant capitalism.

Not saying that Labour are not in large part responsible for rolling over and getting arse f***ed by the Financial sector (Read Rober Pestons excellent "who runs Britain" for a full account) but the Conservatives would have kissed them on the cock & asked for more.


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