bn1&bn3 Albion
Well-known member
Trouble with palace.Trouble at Wolves > Armed Forces > Fox Hunting > ?
Trouble with palace.Trouble at Wolves > Armed Forces > Fox Hunting > ?
Trouble at Wolves > Armed Forces > Fox Hunting > ?
What a load of crap!
Anyone who joins our armed forces these days is either desperate for a job, mad, or a complete mug!
We gave up our empire to stop "our boys" having to die to defend it - now we send tham to fight other peoples' wars anyway. WHY?
Wow, you are a phsyco ! Are you one of these sabs that hit the horses with sticks scare them so they throw there mounts ? Call the little girls riding along with the hunt whores ? and spit in the little kids faces too ? You lot are well brave !
To be honest, most of the people that I know that ride in hunts have/had no interest in catching Mr Fox, they used the hunt as exercise for the horses to keep them fit for the eventing season. The little ones enjoy riding in large group, and are usually at the back.
You know huntings banned right ? So why are the sabs still hitting the horses etc ?
I went out with the hunt security last season and as they were driving around setting a trail, they found a length of wire tied between two trees just the other side of a hedge jump! If that hadn't been found before the start, it would have killed someone and probably the horse too.
Clearly you cannot even read!
I actually said "Anyone who joins our armed forces these days is either desperate for a job, mad, or a complete mug!" So, what is there to "discuss"?
Just to clarify, my "mad" refered to "enjoy looking for a fight" type mad, and not "stupid" type mad. Clearly they come into the third group.
What other reason would there be for joining up to go to Afganistan?
Well done. That should be enough for an immediate ban.My thoughts on this thread-
The queens on here have a remarkably bad temper
Pork pie is an ignorant moron
My thoughts on this thread-
Brighton fans have idiots like we do who like to cause aggro for no reason(sorry to hear about the old boy in hospital).
They should all be locked in somewhere and just let them go for it.
The queens on here have a remarkably bad temper
Pork pie is an ignorant moron
Well done. That should be enough for an immediate ban.
what an answercause I did
My thoughts on this thread-
Brighton fans have idiots like we do who like to cause aggro for no reason(sorry to hear about the old boy in hospital).
They should all be locked in somewhere and just let them go for it.
The queens on here have a remarkably bad temper
Pork pie is an ignorant moron
f*** offf you scum c+nt!
Well done. That should be enough for an immediate ban.
f*** offf you scum c+nt!
Is the correct answer. Also to qualify the horses for Hunter Chases.To be honest, most of the people that I know that ride in hunts have/had no interest in catching Mr Fox, they used the hunt as exercise for the horses to keep them fit for the eventing season.
You kiss your momma with that mouth? Christs sake.