Mrs Coach
aka Jesus H. Woman
my function key seems perm. turned on and i have to hold it on to get the right letters typed otherwise its like this -
0y f4nt56n 2ey 5s *er0 t4nred 6n and 5 have t6 h3d 5t 6n t6 get the r5ght 3etters ty*ed 6therw5se 5ts 352e th5s!
HELP!! please!!
0y f4nt56n 2ey 5s *er0 t4nred 6n and 5 have t6 h3d 5t 6n t6 get the r5ght 3etters ty*ed 6therw5se 5ts 352e th5s!
HELP!! please!!