Not one mention of Snowballs.. (circa '89)
kids: stick to the wachuma or ayahasca kids for a more rounded healthier experience.
It never did me any harm although I am addicted to sugar lumps and carrots.
you might have a right old laugh imagining your sofa is in fact a boat and you're tearing down white water rapids whilst another time you may very well come to the conclusion that the fabric of space, time and existence is unravelling before your very eyes as you become a conscious single beam of light with no power to do anything whatsoever.
Not one mention of Snowballs.. (circa '89)
Be careful.....
'In 1974 one unfortunate English health advocate named Basil Brown consumed 10 gallons of carrot juice and took 10,000 times the recommended RDA of vitamin A in a period of 10 days. Those 10 days were the unfortunate man's undoing, his skin turned bright yellow and he died of severe liver damage, probably from the high intake of Vitamin A.'
Stick to the K...
Its such a shame that some of those boasting about taking this drug may not be with us in a few years.
Ketamine doesn't kill people
With any drug if you take it recreationally i think its fine, its when you abuse it then things f*** up for you.
I think this proves how stupid or naive some people are.
And your medical qualifications are?
I heard it makes your voice CROKAY
I think this proves how stupid or naive some people are.
care to elucidate us?