Colossal Squid
Returning video tapes
You just cant grasp the difference between a pharmaceutically controlled administration of a carefully regulated drug formulation and illegal self dosing of uncontrolled substances.
Are you qualified to do the sort of research you claim to be doing?
I would certainly not have trusted you with the job.
I'm not researching it by injecting the stuff into my body and documenting my findings! I have just spent a lot of time reading up on the subject and discussing it with users for a project I once worked on.
I know full well the difference between the medicinal use of Ketamine and its recreational use and abuse, hence why I've always made the distinction between the two in every post I've made.
You have still not told us where any information you have on the issue has come from, what makes you any kind of authority on the matter and why you are so determined to get the last word. You've also accused me of encouraging others to use it and suggested I myself am an addict without any proof, despite having been asked to provide it.
If you knew anything aout it I'd enjoy having a logical debate on the matter but it appears you don't and you're just propagating absolute nonsense about Ketamine based on some archaic notion that because it's illegal it must be killing people. If people want to try Ketamine thats their business and I'm not fussed either way but I won't just stand back whilst somebody else starts spouting off on something of which they've absolutely no understanding. Can you not see where I'm coming from?
Take a step back, stop being so defensive and consider that I'm not the pill popping, powder snorting, child endangering monster you're suggesting but rather a fellow forum user who happens to know a bit more about this than you do. I'm just sharing what I know whilst you're bandying about false accusations and paranoid reactionary lies.
I wouldn't have the audacity to come on here and tell people I know what's going on in the war in Afghanistan having never been there or spent any significant time reading up and learning about it. Why therefore are you presenting AS FACT the tripe you're coming out with based on nothing but a badly written article from a widely discredited right wing newspaper?