Randy McNob
> > > > > > Cardiff > > > > >
- Jun 13, 2020
- 4,782
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The big question is " Why are so many people in need " ? When I was growing up I can't recall families struggling like they do these days, we were all pretty poor but we always had food and a roof over our heads. Homeless people did not exist in the numbers they do now, they were regarded as the odd eccentric who chose to live that way, Food Banks never existed in my day either, what has changed ? Up until the arrival of Covid, the government proudly trumpeted that there had never been so many people " In Work " and that this was a ringing endorsement of their policies?
The big question is " Why are so many people in need " ? When I was growing up I can't recall families struggling like they do these days, we were all pretty poor but we always had food and a roof over our heads. Homeless people did not exist in the numbers they do now, they were regarded as the odd eccentric who chose to live that way, Food Banks never existed in my day either, what has changed ? Up until the arrival of Covid, the government proudly trumpeted that there had never been so many people " In Work " and that this was a ringing endorsement of their policies.
So how come, all these people " In Work " yet so many homeless, relying on food parcels,and trying to exist on Universal Credit ? We are all working harder than ever in the 5th biggest economy in the World yet things keep getting worse for so many ? we were promised a glorious future once we left the " Shackles" of the EU but, once again it seems the majority will be worse off. Will the dichotomy of working and yet having so many people "in work poverty" ever be addressed all the time that government subsidises employers poor wages by giving financial support ? Covid -19 has highlighted so many issues, things have to change but, will the powers that be ever allow things to change ?
i dont know when your day was but food banks have been around under different names for decades (and other countries). i know my family were recipients 30 years ago. there's always been people poor, without basics, if there weren't why would we have welfare at all? you ask what has changed seems only more need, i dont know why except that we spend ever more on providing something but its never enough. about time to ask what should be provided and how.
yes really. would you like to weigh in on solutions?
end austerity. Stop Brexit
It is starting to feel like this is the beginning of the end of Johnson and Co
We've left Randy.
We've left.
We've left Randy.
We've left.
... but for a few more days we are still in the transition period; so it's a sort of 'half way house' for 10 more days. Then we will begin to feel the effects and if you still minded to do it, you can repeat the same 'triumphant' assertion.
I only see his posts in tapatalk when someone quotes them.[/B]
Uncalled for and disingenuous
I am sick of it.
Happy Christmas
Not at all triumphant, your words (as usual) and not mine.
I just feel your angst might be eased a touch once you accept that we have left, democratically.
Easier to move on then.
We've left Randy.
We've left.