Nothing is just in this world.
Needs a '?' btw.
Nah, it's rhetorical.
Nothing is just in this world.
Needs a '?' btw.
Because no one invited them here
We have a policy which allows people to claim asylum under certain conditions. It's not by invitation have a policy which allows people to claim asylum under certain conditions. It's not by invitation
In Liz we Truss
Because no one invited them here
£2/year per person - makes the feeble accusations thrown about in the hotels by your fellow knuckle-draggers a bit pathetic, doesn't it? Ah, well, that's just a smokescreen for their (and your) real reason to object, eh?
P.S. Asylum seekers aren't sent an invite, oddly enough, you silly little man.
Because no one invited them here
£2/year per person - makes the feeble accusations thrown about in the hotels by your fellow knuckle-draggers a bit pathetic, doesn't it? Ah, well, that's just a smokescreen for their (and your) real reason to object, eh?
P.S. Asylum seekers aren't sent an invite, oddly enough, you silly little man.
OK, so you're furious about the £2 a year asylum support costs you, assuming you're a taxpayer. Can we assume you're 1500 times more furious about the £3000 tax fraud costs you?
what ever next , illegal migrants get a choice of where they'd like to golumping more expense on the UK tax payer , you're a joker
my point is wet lettuces like yourself , tango man, clump and the randy nob seem keen to lump more burden on the UK tax payers and the social service's in the country JOKERS THE LOT OF YOU